You equals me
joi, ianuarie 13, 2011English
Jesus Christ I still can't believe I haven't set my resolutions for 2011 yet. And the first month has almost ended. OMG!!! Like all the things I wanted have already happened in 2010.
I was like: "I should write another post and let them know how I am lately." I'm busy with school, lots of projects and contests. They say I'm smart, but I aint.
Anyway, I invite you to listen to Ricky Martin's most recent song, the first after he admitted he's gay. The song message is very touching. I like it.
What do you think?
O doamne nu-mi vine sã cred cã nici mãcar pânã acum nu am reusit sã îmi stabilesc o serie de rezolutii pentru 2011! Si se duce prima lunã!!! OMG!!! De parcã toate lucrurile s-au întâmplat deja în 2010.
Am zis sã vã scriu putin si sã vã zic cã sunt ocupat cu liceul. Abia mai pot respira. Mã rog, metaforic vorbind. Si proiectele tot vin si concursurile la fel. XD Cicã-s dãstept.
Vã las totusi sã îl savurati pe Ricky Martin cu melodia lui cu un mesaj foarte... umanitar. Mie-mi place.
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."
placuta melodia, frumos mesaj...dar mie imi lipseste stilul lui energic, mai rebel si f dansant :) dar poate sunt si astfel de melodii pe album.
RăspundețiȘtergeresucces la scoala si la respectivele concursuri!! hug!
I'm really sorry to rain on your parade, but I believe the song sucks! I also think it sucks it took him such a loooong time to admit he's gay; therefore he's off my gay map. Thumbs down for ricky. Too late mate, too late!
RăspundețiȘtergereSi mie îmi lipseste stilul lui energic însã pe albumul lui probabil cã vor fi si altfel de melodii. Multumesc!
RăspundețiȘtergereIt's fine mate, it's okay to have a different opinion. Well, it's not that easy when you're a celebrity. Think a bit. It's sometimes hard for us to admit we're gay in front of our friends. But what about a whole community of fans? For him it was like "I do this and they like me the same" or "I do this and I'll lose them". Better late than never, so clichéatic but still so true. XD
RăspundețiȘtergereIntr-un final am ascultat si eu piesa asta, dupa ce mai toate, au preluat-o. Anyway, eu o gasesc destul de plata piesa, nimic care sa o scoata din anonimat! Poate restul au sa fie mai ok...
RăspundețiȘtergereXD Thanks, but my blog isn't like any other blog :)) XD My blog is unique!
RăspundețiȘtergereUfff... Resolutions for 2011? La mine nu se poate. Sau exista doar una, da' aia una ma aduce la disperare! :))
RăspundețiȘtergereInca nu pot sa ascult melodia, dar o voi face imediat ce am acces la boxe. Same ol' problem! :D
De ce nu se poate? Eee, cand o asculti, revii cu un comentariu :P I knowz, I knowz. Take care!
RăspundețiȘtergereWell,i'm not a big fan of his music,i'll give you that.Dar melodia e putin Jason Marz asa so it's ok:)) In fine nu sunt sigura,daca a facut melodia ca sa-si promoveze noua imagine sau pentru ca a simtit ca in sfarsit acum poate sa se exprime liber.In any case,i hope this will make him happier:)
RăspundețiȘtergereP.S.What's wrong with me,sunt prea pacefull in ultima vreme:))Succes la scoala,nerd!XD
It's NEVER to late! :)