Killing March
joi, aprilie 01, 2010English
Yet another month ended. Nice, it was shinier and brighter than the last one. The walks in the parks have started, there have already been announced a couple of events in the following weeks and I've spent some pretty nice weekends this month while having fun. I've talked to a very special person to me also. Or, how the Lad says, I do have a social Life.
"Latest" news:
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Fan made pic. I liked the tree. And Sasuke's ass. |
- Ricky Martin is gay. What a surprise! Anyway, it's cool he came out. It's impossible to not know by now, the internet is full with this news. [Interesting reaction here]
- I've upgraded the template to version 2.0 Which means you won't see many differences anyhow, but there are some, including the rolling-over (new) Twitter and RSS Icon on the top bar.
- Fabulis becomes a very interesing place. I've decided to leave the project for now and see how things go. They promised to fix some confidentiality settings.
- Easter Day is coming. Meow.
Sleep for now. By the way, April is the Child Abuse Prevention Month. And no, this is not a joke.
P.S: Who has seen "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry"? And what do you think about the movie?
S-a mai dus o lunã. Drãgut, a fost mai însoritã decât Februarie. Au început plimbãrile prin parc, s-au anuntat deja niste ocazii de a iesi din casã în vacantã si au fost niste weekenduri pe care mi le-am petrecut destul de drãgut. Apoi mi-am adus aminte de o persoanã importantã pentru mine asa cã i-am trimis un mesaj si ce sa vezi? M-a sunat! ... Sau cum zice Domnisorul, am o viatã socialã!
Stiri de ultimã... sãptãmânã:
- Ricky Martin e gay. Ce surprizã! Anyway, bravo lui cã a recunoscut. Imposiibl sã nu fi stiut asta, netul vuieste cu aceastã "noutate". [Un articol interesant gãsiti aici.]
- Am upgradat template-ul la versiunea 2.0. Adicã oricum nu veti observa mari diferente, însã sunt câteva.(Un buton de Twitter lângã cel de RSS e una din ele).
- Fabulis începe sã devinã un loc interesant. Am decis sã mã retrag pentru moment, dar pe parcurs mã voi alãtura din nou. Au promis cã vor face ceva cu setãrile de confidentialitate.
- Vine Pastele. Miau.
Somn acum. Apropo, luna Aprilie e luna de prevenire a abuzului copiilor. A început deja azi, pe 1 Aprilie. Si nu, nu e pãcãlealã.
P.S: Cine a vãzut "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry"? Si ce credeti despre film? (Titlu românesc: "Vã declar sot si... sotie?")
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."
who would have seen that coming
RăspundețiȘtergerewell.. i haven't seen the movie yet but i herd it's fun, come on.. adam sandler :>
Yeah, I can say that I had some fun watching that movie. Both Adam Sandler and his Mate in the movie were hilarious pretending to be gay. Meh, I personally liked the fact that they got some other people come out of the closet :)). And in fact the movie showed a true side of the gay world. Many gay men discriminate the gays around them in order to not show their sexuality.
RăspundețiȘtergereIt was a nice comedy. Still, it's not my favorite movie.
hmm well then which might that be? your favorite movie i mean ;))
RăspundețiȘtergerei'm a coward, there's just one person i've informed about my sexuality.. i lack of courage
I really can't pronounce myself in this domain. A very long time it was Brokeback Mountain. After this one I liked Latter Days a lot. Now I can say Prayers for Bobby is the second movie that brought tears on my face after watching it.
RăspundețiȘtergereStill, there are many, many movies I watched and enjoyed. XD
If you want I could suggest you some.
About your sexuality, the most important fact, in my case was, to accept that there is nothing wrong with you. Then everything else will come by itself when it is the right time. (And you're not a coward! Cowards are those who lie themselves about who they really are!)
I wish you are fine. Take care.
I can't accept the idea that nothing's wrong with me.. it does not feel that way and people surrounding me did not make it easy.. i still have to convince myself and due to the fact that i'm pretty messed up, it's a pretty difficult challenge
RăspundețiȘtergereI liked Latter Days a lot too ^^ and i'd love to hear some recommendations from you