English Mormon Missionary Costume and a Cutie ^^ Alright, don't kill me! I've been missing 2 weeks and you are already that anxious to see(=read) me? The funny part is that just one person told me they miss my posts. I'm pathetic, aint I? I really did nothing except of thinking, about life, about y life, about ... stuff... I went to the...
English O-ok I admit it. Football is not one of my favorite sports, but it's ok I watch it sometimes. I mean, I used to watch it, considering I haven't turned on the TV in months (seriously!). But don't lose hope! If I'd see something like in the clip below every match, I think I wouldn't stop watching it. Hehe. Do you like...
I was telling you in a previous post that something very nice happened to me a few days ago. I shall start by saying that I haven't been writing much on "The Bus" Series because lately I've been using the Tramway instead. Shall I start a "The Tramway" Series? =))
I was on my way home one Saturday afternoon. Sitting in the bus and reading one book I had with myself that day, I took a break and checked the surroundings.

I was on my way home one Saturday afternoon. Sitting in the bus and reading one book I had with myself that day, I took a break and checked the surroundings.
English Too many things happened in just one day. Really. Well... the earthquake. Niiiiiice! >:D He comes... he comeeeeeeeees. I mean he comeeeeeeeeees here. I'm so damn Happy. What should we do. We'll go to the cinema, that's for sure. The rest is secret (I don't even know what else we should do). The next thing on my agenda is.... iPhone 4. It...
English It was Children's Day a few days ago. Heey, it was my special day too. Seriously o.O ? Soon we'll have Dog's day and Meowing Kittens' Day. Or do we already have these? There's one thing I've observed on more blogs these days. People tends to be sad because they are mature and wish they were children again recalling when they had...
English It's been sometime since I've written my last post. Let's say that the school term ending has caught me in more activities than I would've wanted. It was anyway an interesting period of time. In 2 weeks I've been rained twice. Kawaii ^^! I like the rain... The feeling when you're under the rain it's sooo ... orgasmic. It makes you feel...