Monday, 14th of December

luni, decembrie 14, 2009

The sun sets once again.
Another day has passed by. Saturday, Budi has helped me to keep my feelings inside by bringing happiness along with her surprise.
But today? I once again cried. I cried along with my soul which is in hard pains.

There was a time when I was sure it was too soon to have a relation.I thought it will last infinitely long until I'll feel what love really means. I was so naive! I didn't even knew when it blew me. It penetrated my soul and cut it without hurting it. It secretly inserted poison in my heart which automatically starts to spread when he is away, when we haven't talked in awhile causing me depressive moods.

I dreamed of him. I dreamed he texted me. He was saying he is okay. Was it my strong will to know he is happy that made me dream that message? I found myself checking my phone right after waking up for a message that didn't exist. Or maybe he is fine. I can't even imagine how it is not talk to him another week, because I'd have to imagine myself not talking another 2 weeks.

The only thing I can do right now is think of him. And nothing more.
Is he okay? I can't know. He didn't answer my message. I am worried.

Why has life have to be so hard? I think I already know the answer. It's like saying how can we learn if we're not mistaken.
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."

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  1. Monday, the 14th of december, ciel's 134th birthday, okay?:))
    I won't say anything, I don't want to read the post again. it was an emo one, am i right?
    Whatever..look, it's freakin' snowing!XD

  2. I told ya, I was sad Monday. I really miss him.

  3. Quite sad,it's painful when the person you care about worries you.And you cannot stop caring so sudden,in most cases.
    But damn,so emo O.o



Ce e AGK?

Am pornit AGK pe cînd aveam 15-16 ani. A trecut ceva timp de atunci și mă tot frămînt pentru că nu mă mai consider un Kiddo. Îmi plăcea enorm să scriu pe atunci. Acum mi se pare că orice aș spune au spus și alții deja, că nu transmit nimic nou. Știu că există alți adolescenți LBGT out there care habar nu au unde să înceapă să citească, să se informeze, care nu știu cu ce se mănîncă toată chestia asta, care nu au curajul încă să admită lor înșiși că sunt gay, darămite să se pregătească de coming out. Iar Another Gay Kiddo ar trebui, poate, să fie locul în care să înceapă să facă fix acest lucru. Viziunea mea de 2 ani încoace e ca AGK să fie un loc în care adolescenții să găsească răspunsuri și opinii.