
What am I thankful for? #2

English Here we are the my second post of this type. The other has been written a year ago and you can find it here. This year I'll mention more people... I'll start by thanking the most significant person at the moment. I need to say thank you to Josh for always being who he is, a special person to me who always...

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Your daily cup of tea

My friend is gay

English I was at home last week resting after a boring day at school on my armchair and chatting on the Internet when a friend (a girl friend) surprised me with a question. She had found out that her best boy friend is gay. He told her that. And she was asking me how she shall react, how to behave around him from...

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I wanna be pansexual

English No, really. We have so many terms for so many things. And really, I wish I was pansexual. What is that? Well, that means I wish I could love someone no matter it's gender, sexual orientation and identity. In my humble opinion, that's how we should all be. But let's start with a definition which should explain better what that means, even...

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Fuck H8!

English If there's a campaign that really got me in and was more than clear from the very first point, then FCKH8.com is that one. It's pink, it's gay, it's cool. And fuckable. Supercuteness, for sure. The clip is down here, enjoy it. By the way, hope you don't mind fucking, don't you? Românã Dacã e o campanie care m-a prins din prima...

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Lead me to the right path

English Warning: Strong Language!!! Why do Romanian homosexuals die alone? It's been 20 years since communism was vanished, it's been 8 years since the article incriminating homosexuality has been taken away from the Penalty Code, it's been 2000 years since this nation started living, and homosexuals are still cave men. Neanderthals with double lives, who during the day walk with hypocrisy among heterosexuals,...

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Pixie stuff

Another singing kiddo

English I'm becoming a pedophile, I know. :D I found this clip on the Blogger Buzz Blog so I said why not share it with you too. The kid, MattyB seems like a future success considering he follows Bieber's path. I only hope celebrity won't change him. I think it did already... Americans are so predictable... really. Forgive me... Haha. P.S.: I still...

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Your daily cup of tea

1st Anniversary

English Help? Yeah-yeah I know I haven't been here on 1st November, but I'm fine, alive actually. ) A little demoralized, but fine. I need to find a new source for my energy. Probably to find a new goal to fight for. Otherwise I'm gonna become a cliché. It's been 1 years, folks. :) One year since I started writing, since I amuse,...

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Ce e AGK?

Am pornit AGK pe cînd aveam 15-16 ani. A trecut ceva timp de atunci și mă tot frămînt pentru că nu mă mai consider un Kiddo. Îmi plăcea enorm să scriu pe atunci. Acum mi se pare că orice aș spune au spus și alții deja, că nu transmit nimic nou. Știu că există alți adolescenți LBGT out there care habar nu au unde să înceapă să citească, să se informeze, care nu știu cu ce se mănîncă toată chestia asta, care nu au curajul încă să admită lor înșiși că sunt gay, darămite să se pregătească de coming out. Iar Another Gay Kiddo ar trebui, poate, să fie locul în care să înceapă să facă fix acest lucru. Viziunea mea de 2 ani încoace e ca AGK să fie un loc în care adolescenții să găsească răspunsuri și opinii.