Love (representations)
luni, februarie 01, 2010English
Lately, I'm talking more and more about love, desires, dreams. But still ... love?
What I want to discuss about in this article with you is love, as in how do you see it. What object or what you sign would you assign to this feeling?
Today the most popular representation for love is the heart. A red heart. And still I'm asking you, how many times didn't you hear the expression "You broke my heart?" Does that mean love? Broken hearts and feelings, disappointed people, crying, pain?
I do not want to believe that this is love. Therefore, I'm asking again, which object, or which sign would you assign this feeling. First, write me a comment below.
Find out what my representation is
I don't know about you, but I prefer to associate love with a circle (or a ring). Did you ever wonder what the significance of the ring is in marriage? It aims to maintain the love between the two for the eternity. It's an evidence of the love between them.
This is how love should be in my opinion. Infinite. And what else expresses the idea of infinite better than a ring? (Do not tell me the sign of infinity). I should not mention that the ring is something that won't break as easy as a heart, right? And you have not heard anyone saying "You broke my ring!", did you? =)).
So what do you think?

Vorbesc în ultimul timp tot mai mult despre iubire, dorinte, vise. Si totusi... dragoste?
Ceea ce vã propun în acest articol nu este sã discutãm ce este iubirea, ci cum o vedeti voi. Ce obiect, ce semn ati atribui acestui sentiment?
Astãzi cea mai cunoscutã reprezentare a iubirii este inima. O inimã rosie. Si totusi vã întreb eu, de câte ori nu am auzit expresia "Mi-ai frânt inima?" sau "Mã doare sufletul" ? Oare asta înseamnã iubirea? Inimi si sentimente frânte, oameni dezamãgiti, plâns, durere?
Nu vreau sã cred cã asta e iubirea. De aceea vã întreb, din nou, cãrui obiect, sau cãrui semn ati atribui voi acest sentiment. Mai întâi, scrieti-mi mai jos într-un comentariu rãspunsul vostru.
Reprezentarea iubirii în viziunea mea
Nu stiu voi, dar eu prefer sã asociez iubirea cu un cerc (sau un inel). V-ati întrebat oare ce semnificatie are inelul în cãsatorie? Acesta îsi propune sã îi lege pe cei doi pentru vesnicie. Este o dovadã a iubirii necontenite dintre ei.
Asa ar trebui sã fie iubirea în opinia mea. Infintã. Si ce altceva exprimã ideea de infinit mai bine decât inelul? (Nu îmi spuneti semnul infinitului). Ca sã nu mai spun cã inelul este un lucru mult mai greu de frânt decat o inimã, nu? Si nu am auzit pe nimeni zicând "Mi-ai frânt inelul!" =)).
Deci voi ce credeti?

"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."
cat de sentimental poti deveni>.>
RăspundețiȘtergerea si referito la itnrebare.....poi!
RăspundețiȘtergeree un...sentiment! si e acelasi llucru cu dezamagirea!
a warm, sunny, summer's rain! also an upward spiral! and btw, since today you are in my blogroll! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereHello,I'm waiting for your comment on an online interview with
RăspundețiȘtergerea gay man,from România.His believes,his desires,hopes and dreams.
De data asta ti-ai ales un subiect mai mult decat complex:))Oh well.Cred ca iubirea pana la urma merge mana-n-mana cu deceptia si fericirea.Nu e ceva garantat,cu cat investesti mai mult intr-o relatie,cu atat iti este mai greu sa-i dai drumul chiar si atunci cand realizezi ca la mijloc nu mai are loc decat obisnuinta.
Love is just a feeling, come on!
RăspundețiȘtergereDragostea e asociata cu inima rosie, sau roz uneori, dupa preferinte, iar asta pentru ca din perspectiva unora dragoste = suflet. De aici probabil, cand te "raneste" cineva, spui ca te doare sufletul, so you've got your heart broken. Get over it!
Obviously you didnt got my question. The question was what sign would you assign love to best fit its meaning.
RăspundețiȘtergereI did get over it, I wasn't talking about me >.>. It is a common saying "You broke my heart"
Ok, I did got your point, but... Why should we search for "love signs"? Can't we just let it be? For me, an example of love is this song. And child, are you that stressed that you would not find your only love? Don't worry. There are enough boys who will like you, but you just have not found them. I do like you, but sorry, I'm a girl.
RăspundețiȘtergerehmmm..da :P :)
RăspundețiȘtergeremeh..cum mi-a scapat?
RăspundețiȘtergerenu putem sa vorbim despre altceva, oameni buni? XD like...flori si pisici cu coada albastra?
meh..subiectul la moda dintotdeauna.
Sa ma gandesc..
Da, trebuie sa inventez imediat, pentru ca pentru mine nu are reprezentare pentru ca nu este niciodata la fel.
Un mac, poate? O papadie XD
Nu, in niciun caz.
Eu nu cred nici in sintagma "te iubesc". Mi se pare ca strica toata magia, tot..everything. Este mult mai dragut si mai deep daca ai spune simplu "Ma faci fericit""Vreau sa te vad"..dar nu "te iubesc" nu.
Revenim la intrebarea ta.
Stii ca daca tu zici ceva eu zic pe invers(nu ar trebui sa fie the other way 'round?), asa ca eu sustin ideea ca dragostea este efemera. Este mult mai frumoasa asa. Meh..sunt un fan al iubirii platonice, dar nu am vazut-o in realitate pana acum.
Sunt optimista in momentul de fata, deci as spune ca acum dragostea reprezinta un smiley.
Sau poate o floare, dar nu trandafir..o floare de camp.
Damn, puteam sa fac un post din comment-ul asta :))
am o intrebare..copii:P imi puteti spune varsta se sexu aveti nume ''ciudate'':P :*..aprop'o imi plac gomboti:)))
RăspundețiȘtergerecopii? I'm 27, mind you! :D si sunt male!
RăspundețiȘtergere'G We are not searching for love signs, I was simply asking you, my readers what would you associate love to. Because some people like to associate it with a red heart, I like to associate it with a ring, some like to associate it with flowers or songs, like you. It's just a discussion. I just wanted to know my readers opinion. Plain and simple.
RăspundețiȘtergereI am not stressed, for God's sake. I am not searching for love. Let it come when it's the right time for it to come. If you are referring to the "You are special..." series, then maybe I was a bit dramatic there... I am not desperate, nor anything else.
It's just that in Romania, finding a man to love you when you are a man too is not that simple, because most gay relations are sex-based, not love-based. It's not the same as looking for a girl... And I simply can't stand thinking of that. I don't wanna sleep hundreds of men all my life.
And don't worry, I like you too :D.
Anonymous, you're way too curious :P Maybe you shall start introducing yourself first. And I like "Gomboti" too :))
Oh, Anonymous, don't bully my readers. :))
RăspundețiȘtergereBorderliner, thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I will answer your question in a future post, promise. Interesting representation, if I can add.
Blindius, I've read the interview, sorry I didn't have the time to comment, promise I will do asap. (As soon as possible).
Mere Verzi I know you are always the other way round. Simple gestures always worth a lot!
Small correction to previous comment: I dont wanna sleep with hundreds of men all my life.