English Just another day in the Impossibilities City. I-I mean no. This is the wrong speech. One thing's for sure: Today, 27th March is the Earth Hour. If you want, turn off your lights. You're helping yourself too. I once said that i believe the world can be changed through small gestures. I think this small thing can help the Planet, and no...
English A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00...
English I'm checking the mobile phone. I can see what it's saying. Why in the world did I set that message for my screensaver? And why I didn't change it in 3 months? Jesus, I have no idea. I knew what I was talking about when I said that I won't forget him that easy. "I didn't forget you", a Rob from the...
English Here there are 2 videos I so damn like. The first one is so funny. Just hope you like it too. Don't forget to drop a comment below! P.S.: I usually post these kind of things on my Tumblr. So maybe you'd like to check it out more often! You can find the link in the Sidebar. Enjoy! ...
English A short summary of this week so far: Lots and lots of tests. Lots! Tuesday was an interesting day. Wednesday, I don’t know how I did it, but I got an A in Maths. (I’m throwing a party, which one of you is coming?) Should I also tell you that I prepared for a pop-quiz that never took place anyway by scribbling...
English St. Patrick Day isn't celebrated in Romania, but it is a very popular Irish holiday that really got me into it because of the Green, Luck and Clover. I'm not gonna tell you much about it, you should know some things about it by know, if not there's a pic below with some details or you can anytime Google it. If you'd...
English What's Fabulis? Fabulis is a new site for gays, which promises something different. And it really got my attention. Why? Because it's not a dating site, but a socializing one, only it's for gay men. A site with latest gay news and other stuff like this. Why do I promote it? Because their idea is nice and because they have a nice...
English Shh, don't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you now, ok? So what's coming next is very boring because it's about me. And it's short. I'm not interesting anyway. Queer things about me: Sometimes I talk way too much. And too fast. 3 persons have told me that I'm talking way too fast. Sometimes I can come up with my own...
English It's the story that never ends. It has already become a cliché. But doesn't it happen to all of us in a way or another? You see him everyday. You admire him, you dream about him, you want him. You're gay, he's straight - he's the person that always looks perfect for you, no matter how bad he looks. You'd like to...
English Because I like kittens and cats, and because they are cute and borderliner loves them and so does Lillee I've decided to post some things about cats. Or not. I could show you. I love cats and kittens, ok? Because they are cuuuuute, and they come to you and cheers you up in no time. Luckily I've received an article this morning...
English I know it's been awhile, I apologize if you've been waiting for this post (pointing at Lillee). I hoped I could gather more questions, but I think they are enough. So let's start with the questions from my dear friend, and I'm not talking about you Budi, but Lillee: In a gay relationship, I don't know if it's correct or not, hope...
English Oh really now, it was sunny yesterday, right now it's snowing like crap. I know whose fault is. But I won't tell you. Let's just shoo winter and bring the Sun where it belongs. I've went outside and took some photos some days ago. [I know there aren't many, but I hope you like them] Românã Pe bune acum, ieri a fost...
English After I've freaked you out with this post, I think it's the right time to write something a bit funnier. I really have no idea how shall I call her anymore, because she always changes her sexy yet scary creature name so I'll just say it. Ex-Budincã (Pudding), ex-Mere Verzi (Green Apples) ex-Hazelnut/Gingerbread for a word, ex-CupCake Attack, the actual Morcovi cu...
English Last night I've came across an interesting image. I don't wanna discuss much about it... you can figure it out by yourself that it represents a gay men stereotype which according to, all of them are effeminate. It's still funny. I don't believe in right ways and wrong ways to do stuff. There are many possibilities to do things in different ways....
English This post contains unedited strong language. Keep that in mind and stop if it offenses you. Saturday! Too bad it was ruined. Woke up at 11. After having the breakfast, I decided that today I should clean up my laptop ... Let's say I did too. Finally, found something to watch on the net. Sometime at about 17:30 my phone rang. I...
English What? What am I? Who am I? What? What? What? What are you? Who are you? Are you what I'm looking for? What am I looking for? Search that never ends. Life that never stands still. Death that never comes. What... what. What's next, what? Which sky or cruel suns will stray upon those who ask for impossible. What or who are...