The cliché that never ends
luni, martie 15, 2010English
It's the story that never ends. It has already become a cliché. But doesn't it happen to all of us in a way or another?
You see him everyday. You admire him, you dream about him, you want him. You're gay, he's straight - he's the person that always looks perfect for you, no matter how bad he looks. You'd like to talk to him even just for a second, but you don't have the guts to. You can't approach. He's always with his friends. and the thought that he's got a girlfriend totally ruins your will.
Some time ago you saluted him and he happily answered to you. You've turned around and left being ultra-happy that you've got an answer.
Somehow you managed to get closer to him, and now you're a good friend of him. But you still don't have the guts to step to the next phase. You can tell by his face that he's happy with his girlfriend and your mind tells you he deserves the best, and you might not be it. You realize it's not worth to end this friendship this way.
But one day something happens. He's sad. You're there for him and you try to cheer him up when all of his friends have already left for doing something else. It's probably the moment when he realizes how much you care about him.
You tell him everything's gonna be alright. A friendly hug then a light between your eyes - the fire is burning you when he's holding you in his arms. But does he feel the same? A kiss then he runs away without looking back.
The very next day you can see he's staying as far as he can from you. But this is life. You knew it from the very first day. Why would he choose you instead of a girl? Maybe because you secretly loved him all this time and still do? Or because you were such a good friend until yesterday?
He's straight and you're gay. These two usually don't mix ... ever!
Even if it isn't a film, it might be. It's a movie that's unreal for others while it represents everything for you and nothing is as you'd like it to be. And this is just a hypothetic situation that many might have experienced already.
That's the way things go around when people find out about you and their answer is: "Fine but don't try to hit on me". People were convinced that love only exists between men and women and other varieties are either abnormal or must be punished. What's wrong in loving someone? "I don't care what you do as long as you don't try to hit me". Since when does all resume to sex?
Yeah, this is the mentality. The truth is you can't expect from a straight more than a friendship or maybe by mistake a night...But in the end he will still be straight and he won't choose you, but a girl. Welcome to Life. You can't change some stuff.
But what do your feelings say about it?
And now to see the good part in everything:
Este povestea ce nu are un sfârsit si se repetã mereu si mereu. A devenit deja un cliseu. Dar oare nu ni se întâmplã tuturor într-un fel sau altul?
Îl vezi în fiecare zi. Îl admiri, îl visezi, îl doresti. Tu gay, el straight - persoana care aratã mereu bine în ochii tãi, indiferent de cum aratã! Ai vrea mãcar sã stai de vorbã cu el, dar nu ai curajul. Nu te poti apropia de el. Are prietenii lui cu care stã mereu, iar faptul cã are si prietenã îti nãruie orice strop de vointã. Trãiesti un delir.
Cu ceva timp în urmã ai reusit sã îndrugi un mic salut, iar el ti-a rãspuns zâmbind. Tu te-ai întors si ai plecat super-mega-ultra fericit cã ti s-a rãspuns la salut.
În cele din urmã vã împrieteniti si chiar ajungeti prieteni buni. Dar tot nu ai curajul sã pãsesti spre urmãtoarea fazã. Observi cât de fericit e cu prietena lui si subconstientul tãu îti zice cã vrei ce e mai bun pentru el, iar tu nu esti acel "ce e mai bun". Constientizezi cã nu are rost sã strici o prietenie astfel.
Dar într-o zi ceva se întâmplã. Orice. E trist. Esti acolo si încerci sã îl moralizezi când toti ceilalti prieteni ai lui îsi vãd în continuare de cursul vietii lor. E momentul când poate realizeazã cât de mult îti pasã de el...
Îl convingi cã totul va fi bine. O îmbrãtisare prienteneascã apoi o strãfulgerare între ochii vostrii - Un foc al nemuririi te cuprinde în bratele lui... dar oare el simte la fel? Un sãrut apoi ... el se desprinde... se întoarce si fuge fãrã sã se uite înapoi.
Ziua urmãtoare vei observa cã stã cât mai departe de tine. Dar asta e viata... Stiai încã de la început cã asa va fi. De ce te-ar alege pe tine în locul unei fete? Oare pentru cã îl iubesti în secret de atâta timp? Sau pentru cã i-ai fost un prieten atât de devotat pâna mai ieri?
El e straight. Iar tu gay. De obicei cele douã nu se leagã... niciodatã.
Desi viata nu e un film ea poate fi. Este un film ce e mai presus de realitãtile celorlalti. Doar tu sti cã totul e ca si cum n-ar fi si nimic nu e cum ai vrea tu sã fie. Iar acesta este o situatie ipoteticã plauzibilã cu care multi poate au avut de-a face.
Cam asa merg lucrurile într-o lume în care într-un caz mai fericit la aflarea faptului cã esti gay primesti drept rãspuns un "În regula, dar nu te da la mine". Oamenii au fost convinsi cã dragostea nu existã decât între femei si bãrbati, iar restul este o anormalitate, o abominatie ce trebuie ori pedepsitã ori exterminatã. Este oare gresit sã iubesti? "Nu mã intereseazã cu cine si-o trage atâta timp cât nu se dã la mine". De când se rezumã totul la sex?
Mda, cam asta e mentalitatea... Adevãrul e cã de la un tip straight nu te poti astepta la mai mult decât o prietenie sau printr-o gresealã, o noapte. Dar el tot straight va rãmâne si nu te va alege pe tine în schimbul unei fete. Nu-l poti schimba nici dacã i-ai face tu orice. Asta e viata. Unele lucruri nu pot fi schimbate...
Dar sentimentele ce îti spun?
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."
Indeed it's very hard not to disappoint someone. Whether we reject their offer or simply don't do something. It's a pity she didn't accept your friendship. I know you could've been a good friend of hers.
RăspundețiȘtergereYeah, it really happens.
ce-ai facut, ma?
RăspundețiȘtergereSa inteleg ca pe tine nu te mai aduc pe blog decat atunci cand scriu despre chestii triste sau serioase :)) ?
RăspundețiȘtergereOk, am notat.
Nu s-a întamplat nimic si nici nu am facut nimic. Probabil asta e. Nu am facut nimic. Si nici nu voi face. :) Ma gandeam la discutiile noastre din parc de ieri. Eh eh.
chestie nasoala si emo ce esti.
RăspundețiȘtergereVenind de la tine stiu ca e de bine :))
RăspundețiȘtergereWell Rob, we are all heartbroken and heart-breakers at various moments of our lives. We all have necessities based on which we establish criteria and limitations. However, being passively homophobic (or heterophobic for that matter) is not a matter of needs, but it is a matter of misconceptions and insecurity that become self-induced limitations. And with them come behaviors and attitudes that sometimes hurt people who care for us.
RăspundețiȘtergereI remember when in faculty someone wonderful fell in love with me. Unfortunately that person was a lady, so as a gay man I turned her down. I offered her my love in form of a friendship, but she didn't want to accept it because she wanted something else that I couldn't offer her. It happens!