I've been a very very bad, bad boy, Gaga!
joi, martie 18, 2010English
A short summary of this week so far:
Lots and lots of tests. Lots! Tuesday was an interesting day. Wednesday, I don’t know how I did it, but I got an A in Maths. (I’m throwing a party, which one of you is coming?) Should I also tell you that I prepared for a pop-quiz that never took place anyway by scribbling my formulas-to-learn on the desk? This is how the Kiddo prepared himself for school…honestly, I couldn’t have made it in another way. Maybe, after all, Saint Patrick was a good charm for me, ey? And I should probably take on borderliner’s suggestion and buy myself a green t-shirt with and inscription reading “Kiss me, I’m Gay!” or something like that. XD
But Kiddu has been a bad boy. Not telling you how because he would ruin his image. Let’s just say he just used some not-so-fair tricks for a certain examination. He promises that next time he will get his ass to study instead of checking out blonde guys and sexy asses on the streets. (You didn’t read that, right?)
Then comes a contest in which Kiddo wants to pass onto the next phase ‘cause it’s really important for him to do so. It really is!
And now let me tell you why Tuesday has been an interesting day. Do you want the detailed version or the brief version? Doesn’t matter. I was going to tell you the same thing anyway, hehe. I’ve also been a bad boy for drooling over my teachers. This reminds me of a blog post from Idei de Gay, but let’s get back to our stuff. I mean, on Tuesday, here comes this young cutie-pie of a student in faculty practice to teach us some stuff. Quite confused, he enters the classroom while I put on my Cheshire cat grin. He’s like “T-today we’re going to do some classes together” and I’m like “Dude, you’re hot!”
Useless to say I was drinking on his every word. After some teaching he decides to call pupils to the green board. I wait for some time and I observe the stuff is quite easy if you focus a little. “Anyone else who would like to come to the green board, raise your hand”. All hands got under respective desks. I, for once, was trying not to think things like “Geez, what an ass!”, “Why is he so cute?”, “Such a cute face…”. Despite everything, I raised my hand. It all seemed easy. Slowly, I walk to the green board to solve the task. All the time I was writing on the green board he was behind me. I felt stared at. Some voices in my mind were telling me “He’s watching you, try not to screw it, he’s already nervous enough in the first place”, but on the other hand they were also telling me “Stop daydreaming…you’re already way over yourself with your thoughts!”
Got the picture?
Amazingly, I did well and I was pleased with myself. He thanked me for agreeing to help him in such a cute way, after which I gave him the old “You’re welcome!” and returned to my desk. Hell, with such a cute guy as your teacher, studying would be a pleasure!
XD I’m dying over here!
On the other hand, lala is ill. She told me she would be coming to Bucharest and I’ll go see her if I get the chance. I hope she’ll be all-right! Because I need her. Who other than her calls me Kiddo? Or Chiddu? Who other than her will send me messages out-of-nowhere? Who? Who?
Be strong lala! Wish me good luck and a quick recovery for lala!
Conclusion: I’ve been a very very bad, bad boy, Gaga! [Did you get to see Lady Gaga’s new clip for Telephone?]
Scurt rezumat al acestei sãptãmâni pânã în acest moment:
Multe, multe teste. MULTE! Marti a fost o zi interesantã. Miercuri, nu stiu cum, dar am luat un 10 la Mate (Dau petrecere, care din voi vine?). Sã mai spun cã mi-am învãtat scriindu-mi pe bancã relatiile pentru un extemporal anuntat pe care nu l-am mai dat? Si asa si-a învãtat Kiddul... altfel sincer, nu stiu cum as fi reusit. Poate cã pânã la urmã Sf. Patrick mi-a purtat noroc, ey? Si ar trebui totusi sã urmez sugestia lui borderliner de a-mi lua un tricou verde pe care sã scrie ceva în genul "Kiss me, I'm Gay!" XD
Kiddu însã a fost bãiat rãu. Nu spune de ce cã dupã îsi pãteazã imaginea. Sã zicem cã a recurs la niste mijloace mai necinstite la o anumitã examinare XD. Promite cã data viitoare va pune mâna sã învete si nu se va mai uita dupã tipi blonzi si cururi sexy pe stradã. (Nu ati citit asta, da?)

Apoi vine un concurs la care Kiddu vrea sã treacã mai departe pentru cã este important pentru el. It really is!
Si acum sã vã spun de ce Marti a fost o zi interesantã. Vreti cu mai multe sau cu mai putine detalii? Nu conteazã. Oricum acelasi lucru aveam sã vã spun, hehe. Am mai fost bãiat rãu pentru cã salivez dupã profii mei. Asta îmi aminteste de un post de-al lui Idei de Gay, dar sã revenim. I mean, vine frumusel un tinerel Marti si ne preda el câte ceva, fiind student în practicã. Intrã în clasã nedumerit, eu afisez zâmbetul meu foarte complicitar. "A-azi vom face ora împreunã", iar eu ceva în genul "Dude, you're hot!"
E de prisos sã mai spun cã îi sorbeam fiecare vorbulitã. Facem noi ce facem, apoi decide sã scoatã elevi la tablã. Astept eu ce astept pânã vãd cã e destul de usor dacã te concentrezi putin. "Cine mai vrea sã iasã la tablã?". Toti mâinile cât mai ascunse în bancã. Eu unul încercam sã îmi potolesc gândurile de genul "Vai ce cur!", "De ce e asa drãgut?", "Ce moacã drãgutããã...". Si totusi ridic mâna. Pãrea usor. Încet, ies la tablã si rezolv. A stat în spatele meu tot timpul în care am scris. M-am simtit privit. Niste voci îmi spuneau "Se uitã la tine, încearcã sã nu o dai în barã, si-asa e si el foarte emotionat", dar pe de altã parte îmi spuneau "Nu-ti mai face atâtea vise... ai ajuns deja prea departe cu gândul!".
Ati prins imaginea?
Uimitor, scrisesem bine, eram multumit de mine. Mi-a multumit într-un mod atât de drãgut cã am fost de acord sã îl ajut dupã care i-am spus un "Cu plãcere" si m-am întors în bancã. Cu asa tip ti-ar fi mai mare dragul sã înveti, ce naiba?
XD Moooor.
Pe de altã parte lala e bolnavã. A zis cã vine în Bucuresti si dacã voi putea mã voi duce sã o vãd. Sper cã se va face bine. Pentru cã am nevoie de ea. Cine îmi mai spune mie Kiddul? Sau Chidul? Cine îmi mai trimite mie mesaje din astea fulgerãtoare? Cine? Cine?
Be strong, lala! Urati-mi noroc mie în continuare si lalei însãnatosire grabnicã!
Concluzie: I've been a very very bad, bad boy, Gaga! [Ati urmãrit noul videoclip Telephone de la Lady Gaga?]
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."
well i`m too old for you
RăspundețiȘtergereThat Chidule at the end sounded like a swear. Hehe. Thanks. Hope you are fine. I really hope you're fine. I need you lala!
RăspundețiȘtergeretx rooooob>:D< u`re a nice gay boy!
Haha! XD If you say so...then, lala, will you marry me?
RăspundețiȘtergereFine XD.
RăspundețiȘtergerea sunat ca si cand neam casatorii!!!))
RăspundețiȘtergeremi-e prea somn ca sa scriu mult.
RăspundețiȘtergereprofu' era blond?
Insanatosire grabnica Lala!!! Iar tie kiddule...mult noroc :)
RăspundețiȘtergereN-nu. Nu era. Era brunet. Dar avea moaca cute, timida si adorabila. XD Si zambea si eu ii zambeam lui.
RăspundețiȘtergereaww, how gaylicious. =3
RăspundețiȘtergereHaha, desi ascult de cateva luni Telephone in Winamp, abia astazi am reusit sa imi fac timp sa vad si videoclipul, si m-a amuzat faza cu You've been a bad girl, Gaga, dar nu asa de tare cum m-a amuzat sa regasesc replica asta la tine :)))) Bad boy, Kiddu!
RăspundețiȘtergereHehe. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut. Te mai astept :)
RăspundețiȘtergereYeah, we can say it is original :D Thanks for passing by.
RăspundețiȘtergereInsanatosire grabnica Lala!!! Iar tie, kiddule, mult noroc :)
RăspundețiȘtergereYou know what they say Kiddo, the bad boys are always the best boys! Why didn't you ask the teacher guy to a movie? As in "Movie, tea...me?" :))
RăspundețiȘtergereYou're hopeless. :)) Thanks for your awesome suggestion. Will do that next time.
RăspundețiȘtergereuuuuuu~~me like the bad side!;;) videoclipul e genial si melodia draguta,dar n-au nici o legatura una cu alta:))
RăspundețiȘtergerebut heeeey,it's still original!