English Don't be afraid. Open that door Him: It's raining outside. It's raining for awhile now. It's also cold. I just met this young guy who accepted to let me enter its house. it's nice in here, he owns a beautiful, but more importantly a welcoming house. I'm sure I'm welcome inside... his smile says much more than someone can think of. I...
English Behind her understanding and beautiful eyes, a shadow of sadness could be seen. Maybe her soul was recalling nice moment when she was still young and was spending her time with grandpa. Now she's lonely. The pain caused by the loss of her husband didn't stone her, but made her stronger - she knew she had to make his dream come true:...
English 1. http://www.videonews.ro/action/viewvideo/47564/Nu-vrem-sa-fim-un-neam-de-poponari---marsul-Noua-Dreapta/ Watching this video I was thinking how funny it is to scream until you get voiceless what a man tells you what to scream. When people loses its voice the man gives another slogan to them, and parrots do as asked. If that's all you can do, roaring like animals on a man command, gratz! Continuing with: 2. http://www.videonews.ro/action/viewvideo/47584/Imagini-live-de-la-parada-gay-din-Bucuresti/ Dude,...
English Helpless and lonely, our special reporter, The Kiddo, armed with courage and determination and goes along with his conscious to Gay march. It has as a partner its humble phonography camera tool (phone+camera) without which he never leaves his home. What did the Kiddo hear and see on the spot, away from the people who marched super happy? 1.Security did a great...
English Attention: MILD LANGUAGE! Romanians who consider yourselves Christians and normal! On May 22nd 2010 (in your precious weekend, yes, indeed!) you will have to fight against a rare (once in a year) demonic attack. On May 22nd, the faggots are uniting their powers into the Gay Fest March which represent a great danger to our integrity and normality. Don't forget that they...
English It's kinda awkward to talk about personal stuff like this, but I'll try... If I'm not mistaken I knew I was attracted to boys since early grades. My dad's father (=grandpa = 'pa) was still alive. I had and probably still have a sick mind. My 'pa was often drunk. And when he was drunk, he was sleeping a lot. I was...
English You already know that I'm obsessed with changing the look of my blog so you might have already observed that it has changed again this week. I've just launched my new online story which I've named "Another Gay Story" for now, because I could not think of anything better. I'll change the title as I go deeper in the action. You could...
English "I'm such a sinner for the Christian I think I am" I said. Lucky me the battery went to sleep. I wasn't in the mood to explain myself... After I've recharged it I've seen the text message on the screen. It said: "Hmm, why are you saying that?" I don't like to let my phrases unexplained. Some time ago I was about...
English There is this Romanian Gay News site I like and check for awhile - stirigay.ro. I've found a really nice material up there a few days ago, but I'm too lazy to go find the link. I'm to lazy to even write on my own blog lately. Recently I've read about Inna and her dancers. What did they do? They kissed each...
English After I've been discussing about more and more clips appearing with girls kissing each other or doing other things, I've decided to also post some clips with dudes doing... things. Still, they are not as popular as the others. I don't know if you are about to like 'em, but personally I like them all. Enjoy! Yehonathan : Just another summer |...
English And after you've destroyed walls with your own hands, and after you've been experiencing death and reincarnation over and over again, after you've been experiencing depression, pain and self-pity, you reborn from the ashes under which you've decided to hide for awhile, all this just because of one single voice. And you reborn more powerful than before. You realize that you just...