Hey, wanna play with me?
luni, mai 31, 2010English
Don't be afraid. Open that door
It's raining outside. It's raining for awhile now. It's also cold. I just met this young guy who accepted to let me enter its house. it's nice in here, he owns a beautiful, but more importantly a welcoming house. I'm sure I'm welcome inside... his smile says much more than someone can think of. I plan to stay for awhile. I think we might be good friends.
We've got closer to each other as the time passed by. I've realized his house wasn't just welcoming and nice, it was actually safe too. I really liked inside, but I wanted to let him see mine too. But I was afraid to have guests anymore. Hence I was away from home for a long time nobody was there to take care of it. Even if maybe I didn't want it, he came one day. But that didn't bother me too much.
Good morning, honey.
I've met this young guy by mistake and I liked him. That's why I've let him enter my house and get warm inside it. He seemed worried but he was still funny and he didn't lose that thing that always made me smile when talking to him. I know I did my best to make him feel welcome as he stood at my place. But I wanted to see his house too.
So one day I went to see his house too. I hope I didn't terrify him when he saw me at his place, in front of his door, knocking and wishing to enter.
Now I'm waiting. He's home... I'm waiting for him to let me inside. :)
Considering this is the 100th post I decided to write something unique with this occasion.
Baby, wanna play with me? Knock-knock! Open that door, it's cold outside.

Nu fi speriat, deschide usa si intrã.
Afarã plouã. Plouã de ceva timp. Mi-e frig. Tocmai ce-am dat peste acest domnisor care a binevoit sã mã lase înãuntru. E drãgut înãuntru, are o casã frumoasã si mai ales primitoare. Sunt sigur cã sunt binevenit dupã zâmbetul permanent de pe fata lui atunci când vorbim. Plãnuiesc sã mai stau ceva timp. Cred cã vom fi prieteni buni.
Cu timpul ne-am apropiat mai mult. Si tot cu timpul mi-am dat seama cã locuinta lui era mai mult decât cãldutã si primitoare... era sigurã. Îmi plãcea înãuntru, însã voiam sã vinã si el sã o vadã pe a mea. Dar mi-era teamã. Nu mai aveam curajul sã primesc musafiri. De când sunt plecat de acasã... nu s-a mai îngrijit nimeni de ea. Desi nu mi-am dorit sã vinã, s-a autoinvitat. Si asta nu m-a deranjat neapãrat.
Bunã dimineata, iubite.
L-am cunoscut pe acest domnisor din întâmplare si mi-a plãcut. De aceea l-am si lãsat sã intre sã se încãlzeascã la mine în casã. Pãrea îngrijorat si cã avea probleme, dar nu-si pierduse simtul umorului si nici acel lucru ce mã fãcea sã zâmbesc de fiecare datã când îi vorbeam. Stiu cã am fãcut tot posibilul sã îi fie bine cât a stat la mine. Însã voiam sã o vãd si eu pe a lui...casa.
Asa cã într-o zi m-am dus fãrã preaviz. Sper cã nu l-am speriat când m-a vãzut în fata usii lui bãtând frenetic si dorind sã pot intra.
Acum stau si astept. E acasã... astept sã mã primeascã înãuntru :)
Acesta fiind cel de-al 100-lea post, am decis sã scriu ceva mai interesant decât ce scriu de obicei. :)
Baby, wanna play with me? Knock-knock! Open that door, it's cold outside.
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."