Your daily cup of tea

Doctor ... Hamster!

English At first I wanted to talk about friendship and stuff, but I changed my mind. I'll talk about yesterday and I will postpone that subject for a future post. Yesterday I went to the cinema again. I saw Dr. Parnassus. The movie was interesting ... and sexy. I mean, so many stars crowded into one single movie ... I liked it. The...

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Horror series

"You are special..." [Part IV] The End


Where am I?

English It's cold. I push myself into the seat. I might get an answer from it. I don't. It trembles along with me. I'm tired and I tremble. My eyes are closing and I'm trembling. It steals me. A busy city arises when I raise my gaze onto the steamed window of bus. They go back home as well, I think. I can...

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Horror series

Nosy People's Attack I

English Haven't you found your answers yet? Maybe you haven't searched in the correct place. What about now? Maybe I should help you a bit, eh? (Thanks Kirai, without you I wouldn't have what to answer to) How long has it been since you discovered that you are homosexual? It's been a few years since I've realized what I really am, but it's...

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Horror series

Is it me? It can't be!

English Don't you have questions for me? ... I'm disappointed. Well, if you don't have questions, I do. Why do you all read what I'm writing? Sometimes when I reread what I've written, I think it's stupid ... even if at that time of my life I had the impression it's nice ... What do you think? Ok-ok. I am not mischievous. I...

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Horror series

TBS 3 - The confidence color

English I find myself in the same lonely bus. It's snowing again. And it won't stop. It won't stop because He knows that we don't like it. But if we do not like this either, then what do we like? Life is monotonous. Very monotonous. Days pass in the end, the years are déja-vús. Are they ...? No! I can not let this...

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Suck my blog

Opinions! Questions?

English The blog has been launched for over 2 months now and it already has a few visitors who permanently checks it. What I am asking you is to drop your sincere opinion about this blog. And what makes you return. Or say anything you want to say about the feeling of reading my blog! Or ask a question. I promise I will...

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Horror series

"You are special..." [Part III]

Your daily cup of tea

Libelulo Melcus Crãcãnaetus

English Budi has been telling me my latest posts are so emo, so dramatic... I know she doesn't like me this way, but there are feelings I can't control so I have to write about them. However, I am going to write a happier post now. First of all, someone remembered me people can lose their hope. I am once again saying that...

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Horror series

"You are special..." [Part II]

Horror series

"You are special..." [Part I]

Horror series

Shining Snowflakes: Resolutions

English Last night it snowed again. It's Sunday; what a perfect day to... stay. But no! I've put on my headset and turned the music on I've started writing. But what? Well, I'll write about this year's resolutions. It is most likely I won't end up finalizing all of them, still it would be interesting if I wont. That would determine a challenge...

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Suck my blog

Past Year Review

English: We've already entered 2010 for 3 days. So I decided to take a few moments and wish you a very... smiley year. Whatever that means XD. I wish you could keep on smiling, I wish you could pass on problems with ease. And I wish we could see each other next year, if I'll maintain it that long. I've already revealed the fact...

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Ce e AGK?

Am pornit AGK pe cînd aveam 15-16 ani. A trecut ceva timp de atunci și mă tot frămînt pentru că nu mă mai consider un Kiddo. Îmi plăcea enorm să scriu pe atunci. Acum mi se pare că orice aș spune au spus și alții deja, că nu transmit nimic nou. Știu că există alți adolescenți LBGT out there care habar nu au unde să înceapă să citească, să se informeze, care nu știu cu ce se mănîncă toată chestia asta, care nu au curajul încă să admită lor înșiși că sunt gay, darămite să se pregătească de coming out. Iar Another Gay Kiddo ar trebui, poate, să fie locul în care să înceapă să facă fix acest lucru. Viziunea mea de 2 ani încoace e ca AGK să fie un loc în care adolescenții să găsească răspunsuri și opinii.