"You are special..." [Part I]
joi, ianuarie 07, 2010English
He has been on my Y!Messenger list for a few months. We haven't been talking that much about us. We probably had no idea about each other or how we are. He had a fantasy; to masturbate with a boy.
I've forgot his ID in my list. For a few months. During these months I've barely saw him online and I've tried not to start a discussion with him while he was online. I don't know why. Maybe because it made no sense to start one though.
22nd of November. "Who do you vote with?". I saluted him and politely said that I can't vote. I'm under the legal age. Neither was he, but he was just asking. He couldn't fulfill his fantasy yet. He told me that I have a nice look.
15 Minutes. "Frankly, you are a very interesting person...you can teach anyone something...". Was he trying to flatter me? I've tried to stop it: "If you are going to compliment me and forget about me, I'd prefer you wouldn't do that in the first place." Maybe if he would've stopped there, I would've been unable to feel how it is to truly miss someone.
"I'm sincere. I've been talking to many people but you are special".
Was I special? Why did he keep flattering me? Did he know that nobody said such things to me before? I couldn't let someone trick me that fast. Not after 15 minutes...
"I am also very sincere when I'm telling you that you should take it easy with your compliments"
To be continued.
Îl aveam în listã de ceva luni. Vorbisem putin despre noi. Nu stiam, probabil, niciunul cum este celãlalt. Avea o fantezie. Aceea de a se masturba cu un alt bãiat.
L-am uitat în lista mea. Pret de câteva luni. Luni în care rar îl vedeam pe mess si în care evitam sã îi vorbesc. Nu stiu de ce. Probabil cã nu avea rost. Probabil cã de la prima noastrã discutie aflasem anumite aspecte ce nu ma incântaserã.
22 Noiembrie. "Cu cine votezi?" Îl salut si îi rãspund cã nu am drept de vot. Nici el, însã doar întreba. Nu îsi îndeplinise fantezia încã. Îmi zise cã sunt simaptic.
15 Minute. "Sincer esti o persoanã foarte interesantã... de la tine oricine poate învãta..."
Încerca sa îmi intre pe sub maneca? Încerc sã opresc acest lucru: "Dacã ai de gând sã îmi faci complimente si dupã sã mã uiti, mai bine, las-o mai moale". Poate dacã se oprea acolo, nu ajungeam acum sã cunosc dorul...
"Sunt sincer, am vorbit cu multi.. dar tu esti special".
Eu sunt special? De ce continua sã mã flateze? Stia oare cã defapt nimeni nu îmi mai fãcuse astfel de complimente înainte? Nu puteam sã îl las sã mã ducã de nas atât de repede...Nu dupã 15 minute.
"Si eu sunt sincer când îti spun sã o lasi mai moale cu complimentele."
Va urma.
"Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."
astept continuarea!!!
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Ara.So that's how it was.