
The horror reality in Romania

English I still can’t say if „Love makes jokes” TV show I saw last night has shocked me or not. The truth is that for a while I am thinking of coming out of this crowded closet and even if I do know that this kind of reactions do exist, the show has really punched me hard in the face. I’d like to...

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Living as a gay kid

English I’m writing this post for kiddos that will probably read it and will be in the same situation as I am. I’d really like to share with you a quote of my friend that describes my childhood thoughts back then and the conclusions I’ve ended up learning in adolescence. “Once believing that a soul mate and finding true love comes only once...

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English \ I've promised myself that I won't be sad when you'll be gone. I've told myself I won't care when you'll forget me. I've decided to forget you when you'll hurt me. And that I won't cry when your love will vanish. Now, you're far away from here. I don't think you still love me, I don't think we'll ever see again,...

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Sweetened milk

I need love

English I really need love. Lots of love. Last week I've cried. I kept looking at a picture and cried for a few minutes... cause I miss him. A lot. Memories. Awesome memories of him. The moment when he asked me to be his boyfriend, the first days when we talked, tons of text messages, the jokes, the 3-stepped laugh. Moments of determination,...

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Your daily cup of tea

So let's start the awesomeness

English So they say the summer holiday has just began. Yeah right. Well, it didn't... I've found myself a summer job, and I'm telling you this just so I have an excuse for the long pauses between posts. So please don't kill me :D Do you know the little things that make you smile? I think I've wrote about them in some other...

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Pixie stuff

Guys with iPhones

Acest rezumat nu este disponibil. Dați clic aici pentru a vedea postarea. Acest rezumat nu este disponibil. Dați clic aici pentru a vedea postarea. ...

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Ce e AGK?

Am pornit AGK pe cînd aveam 15-16 ani. A trecut ceva timp de atunci și mă tot frămînt pentru că nu mă mai consider un Kiddo. Îmi plăcea enorm să scriu pe atunci. Acum mi se pare că orice aș spune au spus și alții deja, că nu transmit nimic nou. Știu că există alți adolescenți LBGT out there care habar nu au unde să înceapă să citească, să se informeze, care nu știu cu ce se mănîncă toată chestia asta, care nu au curajul încă să admită lor înșiși că sunt gay, darămite să se pregătească de coming out. Iar Another Gay Kiddo ar trebui, poate, să fie locul în care să înceapă să facă fix acest lucru. Viziunea mea de 2 ani încoace e ca AGK să fie un loc în care adolescenții să găsească răspunsuri și opinii.