I need love
duminică, iulie 11, 2010English
I really need love. Lots of love. Last week I've cried. I kept looking at a picture and cried for a few minutes... cause I miss him. A lot. Memories. Awesome memories of him.
The moment when he asked me to be his boyfriend, the first days when we talked, tons of text messages, the jokes, the 3-stepped laugh. Moments of determination, the evening I've told him I like him.
The webcam dance, the first time we talked at the telephone, the first time I've told him he has a sexy voice. The first time I've seen his sleepy face.
That sexy as hell fringe... his cute beauty spots.
The hard moments I was close to him and the Thursdays he was close to me. Beat-oven's perversions.
All these things might sound like unknown to you, but they are known to us.
3 months in which happened a lot of things. Too many things, too fast, too gorgeous.
I remember Dani. I've cried because I've missed him too, but with him it was different because I barely knew him.
But Jesus, this guy, what an awesome boy!
I'd like to admit that I've got no regret, only if we would've met and I would've hugged him at least once. Only if we would've got to see that movie... Only if... I could go and see him if he couldn't come here.
That's my luck, I only meet people from other cities. Screw the Capital.
And the thing that annoys me most is that you're gonna read this, Liviu. You're gonna know what I feel. But you'll be unable to do or say something.
I'm feeling pretty emo... And it's not even Thursday!
Chiar am nevoie. De multã, multã iubire. Sãptãmâna trecutã am plâns. Priveam o fotografie si plângeam. Am plâns minute-n sir de dor. De dorul lui. Amintiri. Toate frumoase. Si dor, mult dor...
Momentul în care mi-a cerut sã fim prieteni, primele zile în care vorbeam... sms-uri trimise cu tona...glume, râsul în 3 trepte. Momente de determinare, seara în care i-am zis cã-mi place de el.
Dansul la webcam, prima data când am vorbit la telefon, prima datã când i-am zis cã are vocea sexy. Prima datã când i-am vãzut moaca aia somnoroasã.
Bretonul ãla sexy ca dracu`... alunitele alea multe si drãgute.
Momentele în care îl consolam... Joile pline de tristete, în care el îmi era aproape. Beat-oven si perversiunile câinelui meu...
Toate lucrurile astea poate nu vã sunt cunoscute vouã, însã ne sunt nouã...
3 luni în care s-au întâmplat multe... mult prea multe, mult prea repede, mult prea frumos.
Îmi aduc aminte de Dani. Si de dorul lui am plâns, însã pe el nu-l cunosteam la fel de bine. Dar el, Doamne, ce bãiat minunat. As vrea sã zic cã nu am regrete... dar as fi vrut mãcar sã ne vedem si sã-l tin mãcar o datã în brate. Mãcar... o datã. Mãcar sã vedem filmul pe care ni-l propusesem sã-l vedem... mãcar sã fi fãcut cumva si sã mã duc eu la el, dacã el nu a putut veni la mine.
Asa am eu noroc, numai de bãieti din provincie. A dracu` capitalã.
Si ce mã nelinisteste e cã sigur vei citi chestiile astea, Liviu! Si cã vei sti ce simt, dar nu vei putea face nimic, nici mãcar nu vei sti ce sã zici!
I'm feeling pretty emo now... Si nici mãcar nu e JOI!
~Rob "Paint your own Life and Live in your own world."