The horror reality in Romania
luni, iulie 26, 2010English
I still can’t say if „Love makes jokes” TV show I saw last night has shocked me or not. The truth is that for a while I am thinking of coming out of this crowded closet and even if I do know that this kind of reactions do exist, the show has really punched me hard in the face.
I’d like to talk with you about this mom’s reactions: „I do not agree”
”Honey, I can’t talk about things I do not agree on”
I am thinking with fear that this dialogue could be said by my mom or my dad when I’mma tell them. If I won’t even be heard and If I won’t even have the chance to discuss it with them, how do I expect to be understood and accepted? I can understand that is was a shock for that mother...
„All my life I have had bad luck” – I was like what the...? Well, maybe she is right, but I do not agree on this „right” because this “bad luck” is just the luck you want to see in this situation. If we hadn’t the moral rights and stereotypes that still exist there would be no “bad luck”, in my humble opinion. I think that is us who is doing bad things to ourselves.
I like that she admits that here it isn’t seen as a good thing, but I return saying that whose fault is for this? Isn’t it because of people’s mentality that refuses to change?
Then there is that discussion where that mother’s surprise gets transformed in clichés like “Maybe you haven’t found yet the right person” and “You do not know what you’re talking about, this person has changed you”.
„I do not want (the houses), I want you to be my decent girl” – Oh, excuse me?! Look at her, what decency is that? You’re decent, yes, but she’s not. Now that you found out she’s a lesbian you’ve redefined the decency definition? I admit that there is a thing that should be appreciated, and that is the fact that she keeps her dignity, no matter what promises her girl is making, when she’d rather not see her girl a lesbian and use Brianna for her money .
I really do not know what to say. In the end Brianna says: „She acted right” In my humble opinion is it right to be surprised, it is right not to understand it as first. But it’s not right to say that she screwed your life for being a lesbian, because she has the guts to accept it and deal with it. Anyway, there are other scnes like the drugs one where she is kinda pathetic. She starts to see drugs signs where they are not.
I wonder if this TV show has had a good or bad influence on the society view of Romanian and the LGBT community in general.
I’d say it didn’t have a good one, based on a commenter’s opinion on that site.
Nu stiu daca sa zic ca emisiunea "Iubirea face farse" de aseara mi-a lasat un gust amar dupa ce am urmarit-o sau m-a trezit putin la realitate. Adevarul e ca ma gandesc de ceva timp ca in viitorul apropiat sa ies pe-afara, pentru ca deja se aglomereaza in dulapul asta si desi stiu ca pot exista si astfel de reactii, emisiunea a reprezentat inca o palma data peste ceafa.
As vrea sa discut putin cu voi cateva din reactiile mamei acelei fete: "Nu sunt de acord!"
"Mamã, nu pot discuta despre lucrurile cu care nu sunt de acord"
Ma gandesc cu groazã cã aceastã replicã poate îmi va fi datã si mie. Dacã nici mãcar nu sunt ascultat, oare cum pot fi inteles? Dar acceptat? Ok, poate e greu cand auzi prima oara, inteleg, e un soc. Dar hai sa continuãm...
"Zi tu daca nu am avut ghinion toata viata asta" - Cand stai si te uiti pe canapea la televizor iti vine sa te iei de cap auzind astea. Intr-un fel are dreptate, dar eu nu sunt de acord cu aceasta dreptate. "Ghinion" este pentru ca asa vrei tu sa il percepi. Daca nu am fi avut aceste "norme morale" si "definitii prestabilite" ale normalitatii nu ar exista acest ghinion, in opinia mea. Parerea mea e ca noi singuri ne facem rau.
Imi place ca recunoaste ca la noi inca nu e privit atat de bine acest lucru, insa revin, oare din cauza cui nu e privit acest lucru bine? Oare nu tot din cauza oamenilor care traiesc cu aceste prejudecati?
Urmeaza apoi o discutie in care surprinderea mamei da in cliseele "Poate nu ai gasit persoana potrivita." si "Nu stii ce spui, te-a schimbat aceasta persoana".
"Nu vreau (sapte case), vreau sa fii tu aia decenta" - Apoi scuza-ma, la cum arata tipa, numa' decentã nu e. Acuma ca ai aflat ca e lesbianã, ai redefinit definitia decentei? Vreau totusi sa apreciez un lucru, ca desi prejudecatile societatii erau bine intiparite in mintea acestei doamne, ea si-a pastrat demnitatea, asa cum a si afirmat. Preferã ca fata ei sã facã orice altceva decât sã profite de pe urma Briannei si sa fie etichetata ca lesbianã.
Nu stiu ce sã zic, la sfarsit Brianna zice "A avut o reactie fireasca!" - In opinia mea e firesc sa fi surprins, e firesc sa nu fi intelegi asa ceva de la inceput, insa nu e firesc sa spui ca te-a nenorocit copilul tau pentru ca este si accepta ca este cineva absolut normal. Ca nu traieste in minciuna. Ma rog... mai sunt faze, cand crede ca fi-sa e drogata si altele... alea nu prea sunt firesti, parerea mea.
Oare aceasta emisiune a influentat in bine sau in rau imaginea deja intr-un hal vai de el pe care o au romanii cu privire la lesbiene, homosexuali, bisexuali si transexuali?
As spune ca a influentat in rau sau a mentinut-o pe cea actuala, bazandu-ma pe opinia comentatorului de pe site.
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