Suck my blog

New Meow Year!!!

English: As the new year approaches I would like to wish everyone a Happy Meow (New) Year! And wish you to never forget how to smile. Because it's priceless. As well as your health and happiness. This is probably the last post this year so I'd like to take a few lines to say a few words about the future plans with this...

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If I'd have been straight

English A funny yet difficult question that came into my mind yesterday evening was "What if I was straight?". Funny. I've been asking myself many questions, but never tried to answer this one. Can I ever be straight? That's a No. Can I be bisexual? I don't know. It's funny. I feel like talking to someone, but it's just me. Me, myself and...

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Your daily cup of tea

Milky's back; Where are the cookies?

Hmm, hi everyone. Ya, I know. I'm back. Fresh, happy and willing to smile. I am so fucked up... in a good way. First of all, Merry Christmas dudes. A bit late, but that doesn't matter. Secondly, I wish you were happy this Christmas. Now let's return to the boring stuff. Vienna was amazing. Budapest was great. The holiday was incredibly... gorgeous. I've seen Schonbrunn...

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Suck my blog

Rainbows and Holidays

Guess what? The day has come. I'll be back next week. Until then please take care of you, enjoy the winter, the holidays, and be happy. Also, here it is the next week's rainbow picture. A rainbow world in the skies ...

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Suck my blog

Special Xmas Wallpapers from AGK

Because Christmas is coming soon and I had nothing else to do, I decided to design some wallpapers for you guys, those who read my blog. They are in 3 colors and 2 resolutions (1024x768 and 1280x800). I hope you like them and please encourage me to make more if you like. I can make other models as well. Edit: Really these days...

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Your daily cup of tea

Tuesday Snow

The early snow determined myself to write this post so early. I know Saturday has snowed for the first time, but tonight seriously snowed and the panorama is great. Big snowflakes are now falling from the sky. Yesterday evening I've went in the park. I enjoyed seeing some people ice-skating, but also took some screenshots with the Christmas Tree. :) Umm, I just...

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Your daily cup of tea

Monday, 14th of December

The sun sets once again. Another day has passed by. Saturday, Budi has helped me to keep my feelings inside by bringing happiness along with her surprise. But today? I once again cried. I cried along with my soul which is in hard pains. There was a time when I was sure it was too soon to have a relation.I thought it will...

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Your daily cup of tea

10 Deserted thoughts and 3 wishes

Sad thoughts: 1.Naty missed yesterday. I really wished she would've come. But she didn't. Anyway, at least she is better now. Not so emo anymore XD. 2.I have to go to school tomorrow!!! Noooo... 3.This love feeling, this missing feeling starts to hurt me more and more. His missing starts to kill me. We hadn't talked in a week. I am afraid to...

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Your daily cup of tea

Saturday's special Christmas hugs

It started just like any other Saturday morning. With me waking up at almost 10 o'clock when I was supposed to be already on my way to meet Budi. I quickly shaved myself while dancing around the house on Smash Mouth' song - All Star. Then dressed and went to take the bus. Yes, the same bus I usually take when I go to...

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Suck my blog

What you didn't know

Those who are gay might already be in acknowledge of following things, but there are many people out there who still have no idea about 'em. So check them out and tell me what you think. 1869 – The term "homosexuality" appears in print for the first time in a German-Hungarian pamphlet written by Karl-Maria Kertbeny 1892 – The words "bisexual" and "heterosexual" are first used in their current senses...

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Your daily cup of tea

Discussion: Gay Stuff

I wanna ask you what do you think about gay people, gay stuff and everything you believe must be labeled as gay. And why do you think that way. Really, I don't care if you are homophobic, you "don't give a damn, if only they don't try to hook up on you" (because I heard this so many times) or you are gay-friendly....

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Eating Out 3 Report

As I've said in this post, I really wanted to see Eating Out 3: All you can eat. And I did. It was awesome. Yet another awesome gay movie. Can't say it's my favorite now, because I kind of like bad-ending movies (they seem way more realistic), but it's for sure a very funny movie to watch. If you don't feel offended when seeing some...

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Pixie stuff

Rainbow Picture of the week

Rainbow? Why Rainbow? Why do we always like rainbow stuff? Because rainbow is cool. I do have one favorite colour, but rainbow is so much cooler. Makes me feel special XD. No, really! It represents the diversity in this world. And that's why I choose to paint my life in all colors. To express my different lifestyle. To show everyone I can be...

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Suck my blog

Hot stuff coming through

I think I've heard this somewhere. Oh yeah. I've taken it from a movie. If you're interested you can check it out here. Anyways, if someone would ask what's going on, I'd say, many things are hot. Like what? Like the new template of my blog. I've changed it, and edited the title banner and made it brighter and cooler. I don't really...

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Horror series

"The Bus" Series 2

Your daily cup of tea

Tangerine peel when things go bad.

What is up? Well, many things are up. Like, I was late at my Informatics Exam. And I've been pretty sad this beginning of week. But  music cheered me up. I've been listening to music, and it really cheered me up. And I think I know realize why I've been sad. Because I didn't speak to Budinca in awhile, and also because Naty...

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Words that can change the world

We live in a complicated world. Our lives are full of  happiness, friendship, trust, faith, but it's also full of sadness, enemies, hate, hypocrisy, etc. Some say it's hard to change the world. But some also say we should not give up on faith. I believe that this world can be changed if we really want to. If I could change the world...

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1st of December

A date, more meanings. Huh? It's 1st of December. What about it? The most important thing I should start off with is that today is the World AIDS Day. For those who don't know, AIDS means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). What does AIDS do? This disease progressively reduces...

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Ce e AGK?

Am pornit AGK pe cînd aveam 15-16 ani. A trecut ceva timp de atunci și mă tot frămînt pentru că nu mă mai consider un Kiddo. Îmi plăcea enorm să scriu pe atunci. Acum mi se pare că orice aș spune au spus și alții deja, că nu transmit nimic nou. Știu că există alți adolescenți LBGT out there care habar nu au unde să înceapă să citească, să se informeze, care nu știu cu ce se mănîncă toată chestia asta, care nu au curajul încă să admită lor înșiși că sunt gay, darămite să se pregătească de coming out. Iar Another Gay Kiddo ar trebui, poate, să fie locul în care să înceapă să facă fix acest lucru. Viziunea mea de 2 ani încoace e ca AGK să fie un loc în care adolescenții să găsească răspunsuri și opinii.