Big boys do cry
vineri, noiembrie 20, 2009What, have you thought they never cry?
And I am not speaking about Gay guys.
Yes, it is said we are more sensitive to different stuff, however, the story I am going to tell is different. I was walking down the street one evening. After checking a store, I've continued my way to home. As I was walking I've seen a man knelt on the ground. At first I didn't realize why he was standing on his knees. Fortunately, I was walking slowly and I could see a man coming towards him. He knelt as well and started talking to him. By now I was just a bit ahead of them, and have already realized the first man was crying. But why...?
The first thing that came into my mind after realizing this was to go and ask if he is alright. But then I've remembered there was already a guy with him. And it would have seem weird to go and ask if he is okay. Maybe if that guy wouldn't have come, I would have gone and asked what was going on.
Why do boys cry? Find out in the next post...
Ce, credeati ca ei nu plâng?
Si nu vorbesc despre cey gay.
Da, stiu cã se spune ca suntem mai sensibili la anumite chestii, totusi, povestea pe care am de gând sã vi-o spun este diferita. Mergeam pe stradã într-o searã. Dupã ce am iesit dintr-un magazin, mi-am continuat drumul spre casã. Si cum mergeam eu frumusel, am vãzut un bãrbat ce stãtea pe vine. La început nu am realizat de ce stãtea asa. Cum mergeam încet însã, am observat cu un altul se apropie de el. S-a lãsat de asemenea pe vine si a început sã îi vorbeascã. În acest timp eram deja putin în fata lor, când am realizat cã primul plângea. Dar de ce?
Primul lucru care mi-a venit în minte dupã ce am realizat cã plângea a fost sã mã duc sã îl întreb dacã este în regulã. Apoi mi-am amintit cã era deja acel bãrbat cu el. Si ar fi pãrut ciudat sã mã duc sã îl întreb asta. Poate dacã acel bãrbat nu ar fi venit, m-as fi dus.
De ce plâng bãietii? Mai multe în urmãtorul post...
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