I'm looking at this world
luni, noiembrie 02, 2009English
Howdy people. I think this world has a problem. Lately so many people are sad, threatened or even commit suicide. I am not blaming them, neither those who are getting them in such a situation. I think the problem is with us. We've let this world become the way it is right now. And we barely care about it. If there will be Apocalypse, it will only come because we've wanted it to or we've let it to. We've done nothing to change the situation we are in.
We keep discriminated people, we keep blaming others for our problems. The greed increases, and the hate covers our hearts.
I'm looking at this world, and the only thing I see is we forgot how it feels not to have everything every time. How it feels not to have something to eat, how it feels to be homeless, how it feels to bare the winter among the blocks' corners. Did we ever know how it feels? I think we didn't.
There are people out there who are starving everyday and are demanding for a slice of bread while we are eating burgers and soda, ordering pizza, or wasting good quality food. (I'm not saying we shouldn't, but spending money on useless things doesn't deserve it... there are many other people that would wish to have something to eat, but they can't)
You'll say I'm hypocrite. Maybe I am, but at least I know how bad those guys feel everyday, and always feel sorry for them. I'm just another kiddo. I can't do much about it at the moment. My age doesn't allow me to do many things. But I am conscious about the world I'm living in. And there are places where things are going even worse....
Salut! Cred cã aceastã lume are o problemã. În ultimii ani tot mai multã lume e tristã, tot mai multã lume este amenintata de altii sau de probleme, sau chiar se sinucid. Nu îi învinovãtesc, nici pe cei care i-au adus într-o astfel de situatie. Cred cã problema e cu noi. Noi am lãsat lumea sã fie asa cum e acum. Si abia dacã ne pasã de ea. Dacã existã Apocalipsã, acesta va veni doar pentru cã noi am vrut, sau am lãsat-o sã vinã. Nu am fãcut nimic sã schimbãm situatia în care ne aflãm în acest moment.
Continuãm sã îi discriminãm pe semenii nostrii, continuãm sã dãm vina pe altii pentru problemele noastre. Lãcomia creste, iar ura ne acoperã inimile.
Mã uit cãtre aceastã lume si singurul lucru pe care îl vãd este acela cã am uitat cum este sã nu ai totul mereu. Cum este sã nu ai ce mânca, sã nu ai o casã, sã poti rezista iernilor friguroase pe la colturile blocurilor. Am stiut cu totii cum este? Nu cred.
Sunt oameni care în fiecare zi mor de foame si cer mãcar o felie de pâine în timp ce nouã ni s-a scârbit de mâncarea de casã, acum mâncãm hamburgeri si bem cola, comandãm pizza sau irosim mâncarea. (Nu spun cã nu ar trebui, dar sã dai banii pe niste prostii nu îsi are rostul. Sunt atât de multi oameni care ar vrea sã aibã ceva sã manânce, dar nu pot.)
Veti spune cã sunt ipocrit. Poate cã sunt, dar eu constientizez cât de rãu o duc acesti oameni în fiecare zi si îmi este milã de ei. Sunt doar un adolescent. Nu pot face prea multe acum. Vârsta mea nu îmi dã voie sã fac multe. Dar sunt constient de lumea în care trãiesc. Si sunt locuri în care lumea o duce si mai rãu...
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."
The truth always hurts....
RăspundețiȘtergereyou are not a hypocrite, it is natural for the people in more developed countries to acknowledge this and if possible, take measure. Anyway, indirectly, if you are part of EU, USA, Japan, etc., your goverment is contribuing to financial aid. but you must acknowlegde that our high standard of living is in part possible to cheap labour in poorer states, so, though luck :P even romania, for a few months now is exclusively a donor state, if it makes you feel beter and the EU is the largest aid-giver in the world so thumbs up for us i guess :P
RăspundețiȘtergereMaterialul ne face sa uitam de necesitatile spirituale si emotionale. Devenim roboti. Si robotii nu pot fii fericiti.