I adore him
vineri, noiembrie 27, 2009I can't believe it's been one week. A week in which I felt how hard it is to miss someone, how incredible it is to feel the love and the passion.
So because it's been already one week, which I can add, a week that barely passed, because I was continuously thinking about him, we decided to celebrate somehow so we... celebrated. And we talked again. A lot. And we laughed, and we listened to music. And we once again declared our love. I now know that he really cares about me, even though I barely doubt it.
I adore him. And I now know that he is unique. That's why I love him so much.
Nu pot sã cred cã a trecut o sãptãmânã. O sãptãmânã în care am simtit cât de greu e sã duci dorul cuiva, cât de incredibil e sã simti dragostea.
Si pentru cã a trecut deja o sãptãmânã, la care pot adãuga, o sãptãmânã ce abia a trecut, pentru cã eu m-am gândit în continuu la el, am decis sã celebrãm cumva. Si am celebrat. Si am vorbit din nou... mult. Si am ras, si am ascultat muzicã. Si ne-am declarat iar iubirea. Acum stiu cã îi pasã de mine, chiar dacã abia m-am îndoit de asta.
Îl ador. Si acum stiu cã e unic. De aia tin la el atât de mult.
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."