I'm in love with him.

marți, noiembrie 24, 2009

I still remember the first time we talked. I still remember how it all started. I still remember how I reacted on his first compliment. I only wish my premonition won't come true. I only wish he wasn't playing with me. It hurts. It hurts to know someone is playing with you.

But I won't do anything. I care for him way too much to do anything. If this is his choice, then let it be. I still love him. I'd wish that what he has been telling me for days is true. I wish he was telling the truth when telling me he cares for me as well, that he is also thinking of me all day long, because I am thinking of him. Every step I take, he is in my mind. I always sing for him. For him and for what I feel. I feel like someone very important is missing. Someone more important than my mom, my dad, my family. I feel like a part of me is missing, a part of my soul. I'd like to call him my soul mate. He is such a nice guy. He has shown me how it is to feel the love.

I'll be waiting. I'll be waiting for him and for the moment he'll be ready to talk to me freely, to tell me that he really cares about me. Maybe that moment won't come. But if it won't come it won't be a tragedy. I knew this was going to happen one day... I only wished it won't hurt. And I wish it is not true and everything I said is just my imagination.

Am I a fool? Have I been fooled? Maybe. But maybe not. I do know, however that I care for him. A lot. And I don't care if he is playing with me. I'll cherish from now on. For what I feel. For him. And how great HE made me feel.

P.S. I need you. I dedicate this song to you. And to me. And to what is between us.

Încã îmi aduc aminte de prima datã când am vorbit. Încã imi aduc aminte cum a început totul. Încã îmi aduc aminte cum am reactionat la primul lui compliment. Sper doar ca ce am zis sã nu se adevereascã. Sper doar cã nu s-a jucat cu mine. Doar sã stii cã cineva se joacã cu tine.

Dar nu voi face nimic. Tin prea mult la el ca sã fac ceva. Dacã asta e decizia lui, atunci las-o sa fie. Tot tin la el. Sper doar cã ce mi-a zis în toate zilele astea sã fi însemnat ceva si pentru el. Si cã lui chiar îi pãsa de mine, cã se gândea la mine, pentru cã eu chiar mã gândesc la el. Orice pas pe care-l fac, îl fac gândindu-mã la el. Cânt pentru el si pentru ce simt. Simt cã cineva important lipseste. O parte din sufletul meu. As vrea sã îl numesc suflet pereche. Este un bãiat atât de drãgut. Mi-a arãtat cum sã simti iubirea.

Voi astepta. Voi astepta momentul în care va putea vorbi cu mine liber, în care va putea sã îmi spunã dacã lui chiar i-a pãsat de mine. Poate acel moment nu va veni. Dar asta nu va fi o tragedie. Stiam cã asa avea sã se întâmple. Speram doar sã nu doarã. Si sper cã nu e adevãrat si cã totul e imaginatia mea.

Sunt fraier? Am fost pãcãlit. Poate. Poate nu. Stiu totusi cã tin la el. Destul. Si nu-mi pasã dacã se joacã cu mine. Mã voi bucura de acum încolo. Pentru ce simt. Pentru el. Si cât de bine m-a fãcut sã mã simt.

P.S. Am nevoie de tine. Dedic aceastã melodie tie, mie si ce (cred cã) e între noi.

"Paint your own life. Live your own world."

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  1. xD For some reason,this made my face feel warm.It was such an intimate ans sensitive thought that I felt guilty for knowing.Every person has somebody.You shall find your somebody as well ^^

  2. Ohh, Kirai, thanks so much. Fortunately, I think he is perfect.I hope he loves me as much as I do, and I think he does. :) But the time will show me which is the truth.



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