Playing our cards right...
luni, noiembrie 30, 2009English
Time passes by, things are continuously changing and we're all aging while we don't even observe. I can still remember the days of my childhood when I was climbing the trees and pretty-school wasn't even a bother. Now, exams, homework and all other student stuff are pressing me, and my friends.
But, if I am playing my cards right, I
- will become what I am dreamin' to become
- will finish the book I've already started
- will finally meet him, someday
- will fulfill my dream
If he will play his cards right, he will receive my entire love, forever. He will benefit of my love without limitations. And, damn, I wish he will.
If you'll be playing your cards right, what is going to happen?
Timpul trece, iar lucrurile se schimbã continuu. Îmbãtrânim cu totii si nici nu observãm. Încã îmi aduc aminte de zilele copilãriei mele când mã urcam prin copaci si grãdinita nici nu mã deranja. Acum, examene, teme si toate chestiile astea de elev mã preseazã, si prietenii mei,
Dar dacã îmi joc cãrtile cum trebuie, voi
- deveni ceea ce visez sã devin
- voi termina cartea pe care am început-o
- îl voi întâlni odatã, cândva.
- îmi voi împlini visul
Dacã el îsi va juca cãrtile cum trebuie, va primi toatã dragostea mea, pentru totdeauna. Va beneficia de ea fãrã limite. Si sper sã o facã.
Dar tu? Ce se va întâmpla dacã îti vei juca cãrtile cum trebuie?
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."
If I'll play my cards right, I'll..
RăspundețiȘtergere~go to college in england
~be happy
~make friends
~have first kiss until 20 (XD)
~read more books
if i play my cards right,i'll dot dot dot
RăspundețiȘtergerebe a UFC fighter
Get married
be a pokemon master
Break the hot pocket eating world record