Show me what you got, sun!
sâmbătă, noiembrie 21, 2009English
I am so glad the sun has shown its sunshines again this weekend. It really made me feel happy, energetic. I was so close to start hoping on the streets. The autumn's clouds were really depressing me when thinking how lonely I am.
Sun. Oh yeah. Such a wonderful feeling to feel your face invaded by the sun's light. To feel how it's getting warmer. Warmer? But I haven't even seen the snowflakes yet this year. The fall hasn't even ended. But she likes cold. Cold? Why would anyone like cold? Because when it's cold we can hug and pretend it's only because it's cold. :D.
Gosh, she's so funny.
Mã bucur cã soarele si-a arãtat razele din nou acest weekend. M-a fãcut mai fericit, mai energic. Aproape cã topãiam pe stradã. Norii toamnei mã întristau când mã gândeam cât de singur sunt.
Soare. Oh, da. Este un sentiment atât de minunat sã simti cum fata îti este invadatã de luminã soarelui. Sã simti cum fata ti se încãlzeste. Încãlzire? Dar nu am vãzut încã fulgi de zãpadã acest an! Toamna nici nu s-a încheiat! Dar ei îi place frigul? De ce i-ar place cuiva frigul? Pentru cã atunci când e frig ne putem îmbrãtisa si putem pretinde cã este din cauza frigului. :D
Doamne, este amuzantã.
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."
I don't like cold weather all the time! Warm air can be good sometimes too.
RăspundețiȘtergereI'm sleepy. Yes, it was sunny, very sunny. It was good and pufi-pufi.
B-but I like to hug in front of other people! It's cute XD Can't wait 'til doing it again X3