Bookstores, Hugs and Sentiments
joi, noiembrie 26, 2009I don't think I've seen so many bookstores as I've seen today in my whole life! Who the heck has made so many bookstores in this small, busy, polluted town? I can barely stay still on my feet. But I can say it worth it. I've seen few cuties, hugged Budinci over a dozen of times, held her hand (omg, like we were lovers o.O), but it was nice, we enjoyed it (my hand was cold, her was hot), so yeah, pretty interesting feeling.
Hugs, hugs. Meow, meow. Hug, hug, look a book and phiu...lots of laughs. I can still remember:
Myself: "Hey look, look... that's da thing that you can suck!!!"
Budinci and her friend: "Lollipop!!!" and we were all rofl like crazy.
Lonely, but happy. Not entirely lonely, I was with my friends, but I felt like someone was missing. HE was missing. But he is away. Too far away. Too far away for me to forget him. Too far away for me not to wake up in the morning and wish him good luck at his exam. Too far away for me not to mention him quite a few times today.
Too far away...
Nu cred cã am mai vãzut atâtea librãrii în viata mea câte am vãzut azi. Cine naiba a fãcut atâtea in acest mic oras ocupat si poluat? Abia mã mai tin pe picioare. Dar pot spune cã a meritat. Am vãzut câteva bunãciuni, am îmbrãtisat-o pe Budinci de o duzinã de ori, am tinut-o de mânã (omg, de parcã era iubiti), dar a fost drãgut, ne-am simtit bine (mâna mea era rece, a ei era caldã), de da, un sentiment destul de interesant...
Îmbrãtisãri, îmbrãtisãri. Miau, miau. Îmbrãtisare, îmbrãtisare, uite o carte si phiu, o groazã de râsete. Încã pot sã-mi aduc aminte. Eu: "Hey uite, uite... aia e chestia aia pe care o sugi!!!" Budinci si prietena ei: "Acadeaaaaa!!!" si eram cu totii pe jos de râs.
Singur, dar fericit. Nu singur în totalitate. Am fost cu prietenii mei, dar m-am simtit de parcã cineva lipsea. EL lipsea. Dar el este departe. Foarte departe. Prea departe ca sã-l tin minte. Prea departe ca sã nu mã trezesc de dimineatã ca sã îi urez succes la examen. Prea departe ca sã nu îl mentionez de vreo câteva ori.
Prea departe ...
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."
My name is BUDINCA, not BUDINCI! XD
RăspundețiȘtergereAnyway, small, medium, it's still a town XD...and wasn't it good? being in a room with so many books? was too hot, but w'ever XD
now enen lolipop sounds perv :))
I still say that the pharantheses were to rofl for =)) (wtf do you mean by "omg, like we were lovers"?? bad kitty :)) and a freaked up and raped "o.O" near it :)))
W'ever...don't be sad now! start saving money to buy that cluj guide and it will be fine XD
Promise I will go to Cluj when I can. It has become one of my dreams. :D