USA and other countries in the world are celebrating the Thanksgiving this period of year. Most of you might already know this stuff, so let's get to the most interesting part, where I tell you what am I thankful for. Well, there are a few things I am thankful for: I am thankful I exist so: Thank you God for loving me. I...
English Time passes by, things are continuously changing and we're all aging while we don't even observe. I can still remember the days of my childhood when I was climbing the trees and pretty-school wasn't even a bother. Now, exams, homework and all other student stuff are pressing me, and my friends. But, if I am playing my cards right, I will become what I...
A new moon is arising. "When your love is away, will you remain with the one who loves you?" Twilight Saga: New Moon is out for a few days all around the world. I can say I am glad I've went to New Moon this Saturday. Unfortunately, I haven't read the books yet, but I am going to read 'em because the movies...
I can't believe it's been one week. A week in which I felt how hard it is to miss someone, how incredible it is to feel the love and the passion. So because it's been already one week, which I can add, a week that barely passed, because I was continuously thinking about him, we decided to celebrate somehow so we... celebrated. And we talked...
I don't think I've seen so many bookstores as I've seen today in my whole life! Who the heck has made so many bookstores in this small, busy, polluted town? I can barely stay still on my feet. But I can say it worth it. I've seen few cuties, hugged Budinci over a dozen of times, held her hand (omg, like we were...
English If there is someone who I shall thank for making my Monday awesome then that is my best friend (my best girl friend). That is Budinci who hugged me like never before. Yeah. She hugged me, and I really should thank her for that, she really made my day. I am really grateful she exists. I have a friend that trusts me,...
English I still remember the first time we talked. I still remember how it all started. I still remember how I reacted on his first compliment. I only wish my premonition won't come true. I only wish he wasn't playing with me. It hurts. It hurts to know someone is playing with you. But I won't do anything. I care for him way...
English Some say you should not fall in love. Some say you can't hide from love. Some say it's impossible to live without it. Some say love brings only trouble therefore it's better to leave alone. Last few years of my life I've been thinking if I will ever be able to find someone to love me for who I am. Someone to...
English I am so glad the sun has shown its sunshines again this weekend. It really made me feel happy, energetic. I was so close to start hoping on the streets. The autumn's clouds were really depressing me when thinking how lonely I am. Sun. Oh yeah. Such a wonderful feeling to feel your face invaded by the sun's light. To feel how...
English Read the first part here. So why was the guy in my narration crying? And how do I know he and the man coming towards him and who actually talked to him weren't gay or partners. I was just about to find out a few steps more where just a block away there were these men talking about things I was unable...
What, have you thought they never cry? And I am not speaking about Gay guys. Yes, it is said we are more sensitive to different stuff, however, the story I am going to tell is different. I was walking down the street one evening. After checking a store, I've continued my way to home. As I was walking I've seen a man knelt...
English I am so happy. One of my dear friends announced me some hours ago I am on the milk list. At first I thought: "Milk list?" ... Was she making fun of me or what? So I asked for some explanation. Because we are mostly talking using IM programs (like Yahoo! Messenger, I sometimes use MSN too) she renamed her groups with: "Honey"...
English What is B for? B is for bisexual. Or at least this was the first word that came into my classmate's mind when our Biologies teacher said " b" after writing on the green board "bicolored" (referring to chromosomes classification) . Her "b" seemed to be a "d" so another classmate asked what that letter is, and she said "b". "B" ?...
Hey people.
How have you been lately? I was a bit busy with school and some exams. However the inevitably bus I had to take these days brought to my attention once again people's hatred, and our incapability of understanding others or being a little more kind with those around us. Shall I tell you what happened instead?
So I was in the bus standing cause all the seats were taken, and there was this woman sitting on one seat. There were many other people standing, and because there were no windows open, inside the bus was getting warmer. One man wanted to open one, but the woman kindly asked him not to, because she was cold. The man looked intrigued, but stopped.
The traffic was crowded, so only 5 minutes after, another women wanted to open the window. She did manage to open it, but the cold woman realized there was source of coldness and looked around. She saw the opened window and wanted to close it, but the other woman started yelling it's impossible to breath in the bus, and if she was cold she should have warmly dressed instead. The woman didn't say anything, but left the seat and still kindly asked the other woman to take her seat, then went to one of the bus' door and waited till it arrived to the next stop where she left the bus.
What I want to say is, people these days are so arrogant, it wasn't impossible to breath in that bus, I can assure you, I could breath, but it was true, it was getting warmer. Still, yelling on a ill person and embarrassing her in front of the whole bus is so impolite. I think those people should learn to be more kind.
Just another little aspect: Both women were not young, but around 50-60 y/o.
Be more kind. Make the world better! Nobody knows how you might feel one time, as well you are unable to imagine how others might feel when you act in a specific manner.
I know I'm boring.
Cum ati fost în ultima vreme? Eu am fost un pic ocupat cu şcoala şi unele examene. Cu toate acestea în mod inevitabil a trebuit sã iau autobuzul spre scoalã ce mi-a arãtat, din nou, ura dintre oameni şi incapacitatea noastră de înţelegere a altora sau de a fi mai buni cu cei din jurul nostru. Să vă spun ce s-a întâmplat în schimb?
Eram în picioare în minunatul autobuz şi mai era o femeie pe un scaun. Mai erau alte persoane în picioare, iar pentru că în autobuz nu erau ferestrele deschise, în interior se încălzise. Un domn a vrut să deschidă una, însa femeia de pe scaun l-a rugat sã nu o facã pentru cã era rãcitã. Omul a privit-o intrigat, dar s-a oprit.
Traficul era aglomerat, asa cã 5 minute după, o altã doamnã dori sã deschida fereastra, lucru pe care l-a si fãcut. Doamna de pe scaun a observat cã exista o sursă de frig şi se uită în jur. Vãzu fereastra deschisă şi vru să o închidă, dar cealaltă doamnã pur si simplu începu sã urle cã este imposibil sã respiri în autobuz şi cã dacă ea este rãcita ar trebui să fie "înfofolitã" bine. Femeia nu a spus nimic, s-a ridicat şi chiar o rugã pe acea femeie să ia locul ei, apoi a mers la una din usile autobuzului şi a aşteptat până a ajuns la următoarea oprire unde a coborât.
Ce vreau să spun este, cã oameni în aceste zile sunt atât de aroganti, nu era imposibil sã respiri în acel autobuz, pot să vă asigur, puteam respira, dar într-adevăr se încălzea. Cu toate acestea, strigând la o persoană bolnavă şi fãcând-o de râs în faţa întregului autobuz este atât de înjositor. Cred cã acesti oameni ar trebui să înveţe să fie întelegãtori.
Doar un alt aspect mai mic: doamnele aveau în jur de 50-60 de ani.
Fiti mai întelegãtori. Hai sã facem o lume mai bună! Nimeni nu ştie cum te-ai putea simţi odată, precum nici tu sti cum se simt atunci când acţionezi într-un anumit mod.
... Stiu cã v-am plictisit.
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."
Hey people.
How have you been lately? I was a bit busy with school and some exams. However the inevitably bus I had to take these days brought to my attention once again people's hatred, and our incapability of understanding others or being a little more kind with those around us. Shall I tell you what happened instead?
So I was in the bus standing cause all the seats were taken, and there was this woman sitting on one seat. There were many other people standing, and because there were no windows open, inside the bus was getting warmer. One man wanted to open one, but the woman kindly asked him not to, because she was cold. The man looked intrigued, but stopped.
The traffic was crowded, so only 5 minutes after, another women wanted to open the window. She did manage to open it, but the cold woman realized there was source of coldness and looked around. She saw the opened window and wanted to close it, but the other woman started yelling it's impossible to breath in the bus, and if she was cold she should have warmly dressed instead. The woman didn't say anything, but left the seat and still kindly asked the other woman to take her seat, then went to one of the bus' door and waited till it arrived to the next stop where she left the bus.
What I want to say is, people these days are so arrogant, it wasn't impossible to breath in that bus, I can assure you, I could breath, but it was true, it was getting warmer. Still, yelling on a ill person and embarrassing her in front of the whole bus is so impolite. I think those people should learn to be more kind.
Just another little aspect: Both women were not young, but around 50-60 y/o.
Be more kind. Make the world better! Nobody knows how you might feel one time, as well you are unable to imagine how others might feel when you act in a specific manner.
I know I'm boring.
Cum ati fost în ultima vreme? Eu am fost un pic ocupat cu şcoala şi unele examene. Cu toate acestea în mod inevitabil a trebuit sã iau autobuzul spre scoalã ce mi-a arãtat, din nou, ura dintre oameni şi incapacitatea noastră de înţelegere a altora sau de a fi mai buni cu cei din jurul nostru. Să vă spun ce s-a întâmplat în schimb?
Eram în picioare în minunatul autobuz şi mai era o femeie pe un scaun. Mai erau alte persoane în picioare, iar pentru că în autobuz nu erau ferestrele deschise, în interior se încălzise. Un domn a vrut să deschidă una, însa femeia de pe scaun l-a rugat sã nu o facã pentru cã era rãcitã. Omul a privit-o intrigat, dar s-a oprit.
Traficul era aglomerat, asa cã 5 minute după, o altã doamnã dori sã deschida fereastra, lucru pe care l-a si fãcut. Doamna de pe scaun a observat cã exista o sursă de frig şi se uită în jur. Vãzu fereastra deschisă şi vru să o închidă, dar cealaltă doamnã pur si simplu începu sã urle cã este imposibil sã respiri în autobuz şi cã dacă ea este rãcita ar trebui să fie "înfofolitã" bine. Femeia nu a spus nimic, s-a ridicat şi chiar o rugã pe acea femeie să ia locul ei, apoi a mers la una din usile autobuzului şi a aşteptat până a ajuns la următoarea oprire unde a coborât.
Ce vreau să spun este, cã oameni în aceste zile sunt atât de aroganti, nu era imposibil sã respiri în acel autobuz, pot să vă asigur, puteam respira, dar într-adevăr se încălzea. Cu toate acestea, strigând la o persoană bolnavă şi fãcând-o de râs în faţa întregului autobuz este atât de înjositor. Cred cã acesti oameni ar trebui să înveţe să fie întelegãtori.
Doar un alt aspect mai mic: doamnele aveau în jur de 50-60 de ani.
Fiti mai întelegãtori. Hai sã facem o lume mai bună! Nimeni nu ştie cum te-ai putea simţi odată, precum nici tu sti cum se simt atunci când acţionezi într-un anumit mod.
... Stiu cã v-am plictisit.
"Paint your own life. Live your own world."
English Today was the first time I've seen in real 2 boys holding each other. Umm, it might seem strange, but I kind of hunt them... Not as in hunting, but I am very careful with each detail passing by on the streets, in the bus, in the subway, etc. Not a big deal, like, I didn't go and say 'Hi' 'cause I...
Every day I am going to high-school with a public bus (not a school bus, as some of you might be used to). After school I return home with the same bus. But this bus isn't a bus at all. It is another world. Another world indeed.
Not only that I can see many people, not only that I can read on their faces how their day was, not only that I can admire them, but I can smile and share my happiness with every older by passing my place, I can be nice and polite by saying "Sorry" after every unwanted move, and "Thanks" after every answered question and bring a smile on my interlocutor face. That's why I like the bus.
And I have some pretty interesting stories from the bus. You might be interested. Check back soon!
Every day I am going to high-school with a public bus (not a school bus, as some of you might be used to). After school I return home with the same bus. But this bus isn't a bus at all. It is another world. Another world indeed.
Not only that I can see many people, not only that I can read on their faces how their day was, not only that I can admire them, but I can smile and share my happiness with every older by passing my place, I can be nice and polite by saying "Sorry" after every unwanted move, and "Thanks" after every answered question and bring a smile on my interlocutor face. That's why I like the bus.
And I have some pretty interesting stories from the bus. You might be interested. Check back soon!
English Howdy people. I think this world has a problem. Lately so many people are sad, threatened or even commit suicide. I am not blaming them, neither those who are getting them in such a situation. I think the problem is with us. We've let this world become the way it is right now. And we barely care about it. If there will...