
The world smiles

English It makes me smile when I see other people smiling. It makes me smile when I make other people smile. It makes me smile when I see other people helping other people. It makes me smile when I help other people. It makes me smile when the sun gets me warm on Spring, a shy rain wets me on Fall and beautiful...

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Be good to me, please!

English I was thinking on all the greetings we keep saying during different holidays. "Try to understand, forgive, be happy, me grateful." Like we should be this way just during those holidays. During the holidays we should be Mr. perfect, but in any other day we can be as evil as we want. "Because it's Christmas/Easter I wish you prosperity, health, strength, I...

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Pixie stuff

Make the Yuletide Gay

English So what are we watching this Christmas again (even if it's pretty old, I'll make it a tradition to watch this movie on Christmas time) ? I present you a movie. I won't say it's nice, funny, romantic, adorable and pretty weird. Ooops. Anyway, each of you might like it more or less, depending on each person's tastes. It's called Make the...

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Your daily cup of tea

Pounding my ass here and there

English Bro, can't you see I haven't written anything in 2 weeks already? I beg my pardon, but this is so impolite coming from me! Because I've been impressingly fine. And I had enough time and a lot of laziness. In the mean time while I'm sure you were worried about me (not) and that you missed me (not) and you were so...

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Fuck H8! #2

English And if you liked the first clip, this one will make you smile even more! Enjoy and fuck h8! Românã Si dacã v-a plãcut primul clip, al doilea o sã vã facã sã zâmbiti si mai tare. :D Enjoy! Fuck H8! ~Rob "Paint your own Life and Live in your own world." ...

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Look at me

English And when I was just about to affirm that I can see a better world, I just happened to be the protagonist of a not-so-nice moment. Shall I tell you? Recently I've got a book as a reward about HIV+ teens integration in the society that I've already finished. But hence I'm pretty lazy at home, I read it in the subways...

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What am I thankful for? #2

English Here we are the my second post of this type. The other has been written a year ago and you can find it here. This year I'll mention more people... I'll start by thanking the most significant person at the moment. I need to say thank you to Josh for always being who he is, a special person to me who always...

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Your daily cup of tea

My friend is gay

English I was at home last week resting after a boring day at school on my armchair and chatting on the Internet when a friend (a girl friend) surprised me with a question. She had found out that her best boy friend is gay. He told her that. And she was asking me how she shall react, how to behave around him from...

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I wanna be pansexual

English No, really. We have so many terms for so many things. And really, I wish I was pansexual. What is that? Well, that means I wish I could love someone no matter it's gender, sexual orientation and identity. In my humble opinion, that's how we should all be. But let's start with a definition which should explain better what that means, even...

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Fuck H8!

English If there's a campaign that really got me in and was more than clear from the very first point, then FCKH8.com is that one. It's pink, it's gay, it's cool. And fuckable. Supercuteness, for sure. The clip is down here, enjoy it. By the way, hope you don't mind fucking, don't you? Românã Dacã e o campanie care m-a prins din prima...

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Lead me to the right path

English Warning: Strong Language!!! Why do Romanian homosexuals die alone? It's been 20 years since communism was vanished, it's been 8 years since the article incriminating homosexuality has been taken away from the Penalty Code, it's been 2000 years since this nation started living, and homosexuals are still cave men. Neanderthals with double lives, who during the day walk with hypocrisy among heterosexuals,...

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Pixie stuff

Another singing kiddo

English I'm becoming a pedophile, I know. :D I found this clip on the Blogger Buzz Blog so I said why not share it with you too. The kid, MattyB seems like a future success considering he follows Bieber's path. I only hope celebrity won't change him. I think it did already... Americans are so predictable... really. Forgive me... Haha. P.S.: I still...

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Your daily cup of tea

1st Anniversary

English Help? Yeah-yeah I know I haven't been here on 1st November, but I'm fine, alive actually. ) A little demoralized, but fine. I need to find a new source for my energy. Probably to find a new goal to fight for. Otherwise I'm gonna become a cliché. It's been 1 years, folks. :) One year since I started writing, since I amuse,...

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Horror series

"The Bus" Series 5

Pixie stuff

Sweet love declaration

English There are rare situation of such love, rare situations of such love declarations. I hope you like it as much as I do. P.S.: Do you like him? ^^ ...

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Let's do the Nijikon

English I've been to Nijikon last Saturday, as you already know that, don't you? XD It was fine, I liked it. That's because I had some company. And no, it wasn't Budinci as I hoped it's gonna be long time ago, because she said she was going to be there with someone else... so I had to find another partner. I felt better,...

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Your daily cup of tea

Nijikon, right? ^^

English I hope we'll meet today at Nijikon, right? :D I'll be there in a indigo shirt so if you see someone smiling like crazy, don't hesitate to say "Hi". I also have a school bag with me which has a small red and white cord. Just so you know. Anyway, a week in which I has so many test papers, so many...

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Your daily cup of tea


English I'm busier with every week that passes by. I've been outside the town for 3 days, I will leave Bucharest for a weekend for a school trip, Nijikon it's coming, I'm volunteering and I still have to study. Obviously the laziness is right beside all these. I don't complain. If I'd stay home I'd spend my time in front of my PC....

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Uke or Seme?

English So after a few months of being a Romantic Seme, I decided to take the test again. And I've done it and it resulted in me being an Innocent Uke. I was like ok, that's nice. But then I read the description and who they are compatible with and I saw Romantic Seme. XD And the only thought I got at that...

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Suck my blog

Kudos to my blog

English Yeah, let's cheer up and sing Happy Birthday to my blog, cause it's gonna be 1 year old on November 1st, but I am so anxious about this that I could barely wait to make the changes go live on my blog, and I can barely wait to hear what you think. Alright, let's start with the most obvious part: Modified Design:...

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The fear of condoms

English Buying condoms. Is there someone who never had it? Actually, I shall ask, is there any boy who hadn't this fear when he first had to buy his condoms on his own? XD I did. I am still a virgin, ooo, don't shout like that. I've bought them today. But I was trying to buy them for weeeeeks. Like really... weeks. But...

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Your daily cup of tea

Underwear thieves are everywhere

English What a sad morning. It's morning... for me at least. I told you that winter is coming slowly. It's cloudy more often than we were used to. People change their clothes with ones that can keep them warm. There are good news too, fortunately. :D I've won another pair of underwear, yay. And they're the funniest underwear I got. Really. Let's show...

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It gets better!

English This post continues one of my previous ones. It was called Living as a gay kid in which I told you about my past and the way I felt. I know that for some of us and some of you it's hard, dealing with problems in your life, discrimination, inequality of chance, but keep fighting, and don't give up! Next I want...

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Your daily cup of tea

What I've been doing

English Hello, hello everyone! I don't think I've started a post with a salute in a very long time. How are my dear reader doing? :) It's really boring here, I know. And I have so much to say, but I'm too lazy. Trust me! I barely convinced myself that I want to tell you what your 16-years-old-super-optimist-gay-kiddo has been doing. Wha, huge...

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Your daily cup of tea

Beginning with suprises

English Fall, fall once again. In just a few days winter will come and we're gonna freeze again. I will freeze at least. At least if I won't find someone to help me heat up a bit :) Anyone offering? Surprise-surprise. This should be the title of this post. School began once again. It's good. It sucks. It's everything in a single word....

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Gay it forward

English So let me tell you how it happened. I've had just ended a walk in the Tineretului Park (Teen's park) and was heading home. It was after-noon when... a car bumped into me. Naaaah, that would have made this story less interesting. I was heading to the subway actually to go home, Tineretului Station. After I enter using my card, I see...

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Pixie stuff

California gays

English Do you remember of Party in the FIP clip? Recently I've found something much cooler. And because I don't have what to write about I'mma share this with you. I actually have what to write about, but I'm too lazy to do that plus I might end forgetting it. Nobody is pissing me with "write! write!", it was nice though. :D Short...

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Orgies and other shits

English Heeeeey! (that sounds pretty gay, actually). I can't believe that into one single morning I've found material for over 3 posts, but I'll try to condense them in just one. I feel great right now, not because of the articles though. So please try to get used to my irony and sarcasm. First, some music. So, opening Liberatea.ro (a local newspaper website)...

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Pixie stuff

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

English I wish you're gonna have a fresh weekend. Wah, this is supposed to be an entrance salutation. It's way too cold outside, dude. What are we gonna do when the Global Warming will reach its highest peak? Well, we should be on other planets, Sir, or at least that's what Stephen hawking says. He also says we have like 2 centuries left....

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Am I trying too hard?

English I’m such a lazy ass. I keep telling myself I’m gonna write another article for so long and I still don’t. And here I am... writing it.. Do I want a holiday? I do! It is so hot that I’m melting. Oh-oh did you already know that? Old news are so exciting! What else happened to me? What hasn’t ? I’ve met...

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The horror reality in Romania

English I still can’t say if „Love makes jokes” TV show I saw last night has shocked me or not. The truth is that for a while I am thinking of coming out of this crowded closet and even if I do know that this kind of reactions do exist, the show has really punched me hard in the face. I’d like to...

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Living as a gay kid

English I’m writing this post for kiddos that will probably read it and will be in the same situation as I am. I’d really like to share with you a quote of my friend that describes my childhood thoughts back then and the conclusions I’ve ended up learning in adolescence. “Once believing that a soul mate and finding true love comes only once...

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English \ I've promised myself that I won't be sad when you'll be gone. I've told myself I won't care when you'll forget me. I've decided to forget you when you'll hurt me. And that I won't cry when your love will vanish. Now, you're far away from here. I don't think you still love me, I don't think we'll ever see again,...

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Sweetened milk

I need love

English I really need love. Lots of love. Last week I've cried. I kept looking at a picture and cried for a few minutes... cause I miss him. A lot. Memories. Awesome memories of him. The moment when he asked me to be his boyfriend, the first days when we talked, tons of text messages, the jokes, the 3-stepped laugh. Moments of determination,...

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Your daily cup of tea

So let's start the awesomeness

English So they say the summer holiday has just began. Yeah right. Well, it didn't... I've found myself a summer job, and I'm telling you this just so I have an excuse for the long pauses between posts. So please don't kill me :D Do you know the little things that make you smile? I think I've wrote about them in some other...

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Pixie stuff

Guys with iPhones

Acest rezumat nu este disponibil. Dați clic aici pentru a vedea postarea. Acest rezumat nu este disponibil. Dați clic aici pentru a vedea postarea. ...

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Your daily cup of tea

A post before another post

English Mormon Missionary Costume and a Cutie ^^ Alright, don't kill me! I've been missing 2 weeks and you are already that anxious to see(=read) me? The funny part is that just one person told me they miss my posts. I'm pathetic, aint I? I really did nothing except of thinking, about life, about y life, about ... stuff... I went to the...

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Pixie stuff

Football? Surprise!

English O-ok I admit it. Football is not one of my favorite sports, but it's ok I watch it sometimes. I mean, I used to watch it, considering I haven't turned on the TV in months (seriously!). But don't lose hope! If I'd see something like in the clip below every match, I think I wouldn't stop watching it. Hehe. Do you like...

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Horror series

"The Bus" Series 4

Pixie stuff

Oh please

English Too many things happened in just one day. Really. Well... the earthquake. Niiiiiice! >:D He comes... he comeeeeeeeees. I mean he comeeeeeeeeees here. I'm so damn Happy. What should we do. We'll go to the cinema, that's for sure. The rest is secret (I don't even know what else we should do). The next thing on my agenda is.... iPhone 4. It...

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Your daily cup of tea

Let's be kids again

English It was Children's Day a few days ago. Heey, it was my special day too. Seriously o.O ? Soon we'll have Dog's day and Meowing Kittens' Day. Or do we already have these? There's one thing I've observed on more blogs these days. People tends to be sad because they are mature and wish they were children again recalling when they had...

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Sweetened milk

Summer storm

English It's been sometime since I've written my last post. Let's say that the school term ending has caught me in more activities than I would've wanted. It was anyway an interesting period of time. In 2 weeks I've been rained twice. Kawaii ^^! I like the rain... The feeling when you're under the rain it's sooo ... orgasmic. It makes you feel...

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Hey, wanna play with me?

English Don't be afraid. Open that door Him: It's raining outside. It's raining for awhile now. It's also cold. I just met this young guy who accepted to let me enter its house. it's nice in here, he owns a beautiful, but more importantly a welcoming house. I'm sure I'm welcome inside... his smile says much more than someone can think of. I...

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I love you granny

English Behind her understanding and beautiful eyes, a shadow of sadness could be seen. Maybe her soul was recalling nice moment when she was still young and was spending her time with grandpa. Now she's lonely. The pain caused by the loss of her husband didn't stone her, but made her stronger - she knew she had to make his dream come true:...

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FayGest on TV

English 1. http://www.videonews.ro/action/viewvideo/47564/Nu-vrem-sa-fim-un-neam-de-poponari---marsul-Noua-Dreapta/ Watching this video I was thinking how funny it is to scream until you get voiceless what a man tells you what to scream. When people loses its voice the man gives another slogan to them, and parrots do as asked. If that's all you can do, roaring like animals on a man command, gratz! Continuing with: 2. http://www.videonews.ro/action/viewvideo/47584/Imagini-live-de-la-parada-gay-din-Bucuresti/ Dude,...

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Haha, it's over folks

English Helpless and lonely, our special reporter, The Kiddo, armed with courage and determination and goes along with his conscious to Gay march. It has as a partner its humble phonography camera tool (phone+camera) without which he never leaves his home. What did the Kiddo hear and see on the spot, away from the people who marched super happy? 1.Security did a great...

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Kill them~

English Attention: MILD LANGUAGE! Romanians who consider yourselves Christians and normal! On May 22nd 2010 (in your precious weekend, yes, indeed!) you will have to fight against a rare (once in a year) demonic attack. On May 22nd, the faggots are uniting their powers into the Gay Fest March which represent a great danger to our integrity and normality. Don't forget that they...

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I knew it

English It's kinda awkward to talk about personal stuff like this, but I'll try... If I'm not mistaken I knew I was attracted to boys since early grades. My dad's father (=grandpa = 'pa) was still alive. I had and probably still have a sick mind. My 'pa was often drunk. And when he was drunk, he was sleeping a lot. I was...

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Launching AGS!

English You already know that I'm obsessed with changing the look of my blog so you might have already observed that it has changed again this week. I've just launched my new online story which I've named "Another Gay Story" for now, because I could not think of anything better. I'll change the title as I go deeper in the action. You could...

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Your daily cup of tea

The sinner in me

English "I'm such a sinner for the Christian I think I am" I said. Lucky me the battery went to sleep. I wasn't in the mood to explain myself... After I've recharged it I've seen the text message on the screen. It said: "Hmm, why are you saying that?" I don't like to let my phrases unexplained. Some time ago I was about...

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Inna shocks me [not]

English There is this Romanian Gay News site I like and check for awhile - stirigay.ro. I've found a really nice material up there a few days ago, but I'm too lazy to go find the link. I'm to lazy to even write on my own blog lately. Recently I've read about Inna and her dancers. What did they do? They kissed each...

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Pixie stuff

Fine with it no matter what

English After I've been discussing about more and more clips appearing with girls kissing each other or doing other things, I've decided to also post some clips with dudes doing... things. Still, they are not as popular as the others. I don't know if you are about to like 'em, but personally I like them all. Enjoy! Yehonathan : Just another summer |...

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Blue sky, true sky

English And after you've destroyed walls with your own hands, and after you've been experiencing death and reincarnation over and over again, after you've been experiencing depression, pain and self-pity, you reborn from the ashes under which you've decided to hide for awhile, all this just because of one single voice. And you reborn more powerful than before. You realize that you just...

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Wresting walls

English And you enter that door that you've entered for so many times. And it feels like you'd rather wrest those walls that surround you and kill them or hide under ashes and be one with it than feeling that way... And for the same amount of time to live so you can fly. And for the same amount of time to fall...

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Kiddo recommends *blogs and sites*

English I really have no idea what kind of blogs do you like. I don't even know why you're reading my blog. After I've read my article again last night, I checked out some of my first posts. They seemed... weird. Has my style of writing changed? If you have time, you might want to check them . Anyway, today I wan't to...

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Your daily cup of tea

Just before the day ends

English I bet nobody cares about the Earth Day (which was on 22nd April 2010) so I'm not going to insist on this subject. Happy Earth Day, dear Earth! And to prove my modesty I shall add: Please make sure we live, at least till I die. XD Then I must say I'm sleepy. And I keep sleeping. Today I took my day...

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Demotivational much?

Pictures say it all. Pictures say it all. ...

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We're fine if the chicks are hot

English There has been some time since I wanted to write about this, so here I am. I really don't know why, but there are so many clips on songs that are some kind gay-themed. Many of them illustrate lesbians while the idea of 2 guys is ignored. There are many clips in which the girls are kissing each other or fighting (like...

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Your daily cup of tea

Cherry Blossoms

English I'm sleepy. It's not like it matters anyway. I always write posts late in the night. And while school. The vacation has ended, back to school, back to reality. Perfect. I enjoyed the small Easter holiday, but I have the odd impression that I can't write anymore. I have a post in Draft which has to be translated. But I think I...

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Your daily cup of tea

Untitled Easter Post

English I was too lazy to write these days. And too ill to even try to keep in touch with someone. Thursday: Desperately trying to find Soho club on Lipscani. Could not be found. I'm unable to find a fucking gay club. Shame on me. Friday: Checked out a map! Found Soho. Yeee, I deserve a candy. Easter Cake and Taxis. Saturday: Cats,...

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Horror series

Questions & Answers

English Why... 1.Do I always forget to include the "more" code in posts, and I always have to edit them quite a few times before they actually look decent? Because I'm ...not paying attention to it. 2.Do I always add toons and yaoi images on the blog instead of pictures with people. Because they are way cuter and because I don't wanna post...

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Suck my blog

Killing March

English Yet another month ended. Nice, it was shinier and brighter than the last one. The walks in the parks have started, there have already been announced a couple of events in the following weeks and I've spent some pretty nice weekends this month while having fun. I've talked to a very special person to me also. Or, how the Lad says, I...

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Lights off!

English Just another day in the Impossibilities City. I-I mean no. This is the wrong speech. One thing's for sure: Today, 27th March is the Earth Hour. If you want, turn off your lights. You're helping yourself too. I once said that i believe the world can be changed through small gestures. I think this small thing can help the Planet, and no...

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Sweetened milk

No charge

English A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00...

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Sweetened milk

That was then but then it's true

English I'm checking the mobile phone. I can see what it's saying. Why in the world did I set that message for my screensaver? And why I didn't change it in 3 months? Jesus, I have no idea. I knew what I was talking about when I said that I won't forget him that easy. "I didn't forget you", a Rob from the...

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Pixie stuff

Monster at the party

English Here there are 2 videos I so damn like. The first one is so funny. Just hope you like it too. Don't forget to drop a comment below! P.S.: I usually post these kind of things on my Tumblr. So maybe you'd like to check it out more often! You can find the link in the Sidebar. Enjoy! ...

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Your daily cup of tea

I've been a very very bad, bad boy, Gaga!

English A short summary of this week so far: Lots and lots of tests. Lots! Tuesday was an interesting day. Wednesday, I don’t know how I did it, but I got an A in Maths. (I’m throwing a party, which one of you is coming?) Should I also tell you that I prepared for a pop-quiz that never took place anyway by scribbling...

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Your daily cup of tea

Saint Patrick Gay Day

English St. Patrick Day isn't celebrated in Romania, but it is a very popular Irish holiday that really got me into it because of the Green, Luck and Clover. I'm not gonna tell you much about it, you should know some things about it by know, if not there's a pic below with some details or you can anytime Google it. If you'd...

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English What's Fabulis? Fabulis is a new site for gays, which promises something different. And it really got my attention. Why? Because it's not a dating site, but a socializing one, only it's for gay men. A site with latest gay news and other stuff like this. Why do I promote it? Because their idea is nice and because they have a nice...

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Shh, don't tell anyone *cough*

English Shh, don't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you now, ok? So what's coming next is very boring because it's about me. And it's short. I'm not interesting anyway. Queer things about me: Sometimes I talk way too much. And too fast. 3 persons have told me that I'm talking way too fast. Sometimes I can come up with my own...

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The cliché that never ends

English It's the story that never ends. It has already become a cliché. But doesn't it happen to all of us in a way or another? You see him everyday. You admire him, you dream about him, you want him. You're gay, he's straight - he's the person that always looks perfect for you, no matter how bad he looks. You'd like to...

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Your daily cup of tea

Cuties o‿o

English Because I like kittens and cats, and because they are cute and borderliner loves them and so does Lillee I've decided to post some things about cats. Or not. I could show you. I love cats and kittens, ok? Because they are cuuuuute, and they come to you and cheers you up in no time. Luckily I've received an article this morning...

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Horror series

Nosy People's Attack III

English I know it's been awhile, I apologize if you've been waiting for this post (pointing at Lillee). I hoped I could gather more questions, but I think they are enough. So let's start with the questions from my dear friend, and I'm not talking about you Budi, but Lillee: In a gay relationship, I don't know if it's correct or not, hope...

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Your daily cup of tea

The snow means nothing

English Oh really now, it was sunny yesterday, right now it's snowing like crap. I know whose fault is. But I won't tell you. Let's just shoo winter and bring the Sun where it belongs. I've went outside and took some photos some days ago. [I know there aren't many, but I hope you like them] Românã Pe bune acum, ieri a fost...

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Your daily cup of tea

Killing Budi

English After I've freaked you out with this post, I think it's the right time to write something a bit funnier. I really have no idea how shall I call her anymore, because she always changes her sexy yet scary creature name so I'll just say it. Ex-Budincã (Pudding), ex-Mere Verzi (Green Apples) ex-Hazelnut/Gingerbread for a word, ex-CupCake Attack, the actual Morcovi cu...

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Your daily cup of tea

The right way to do things

English Last night I've came across an interesting image. I don't wanna discuss much about it... you can figure it out by yourself that it represents a gay men stereotype which according to, all of them are effeminate. It's still funny. I don't believe in right ways and wrong ways to do stuff. There are many possibilities to do things in different ways....

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Ce e AGK?

Am pornit AGK pe cînd aveam 15-16 ani. A trecut ceva timp de atunci și mă tot frămînt pentru că nu mă mai consider un Kiddo. Îmi plăcea enorm să scriu pe atunci. Acum mi se pare că orice aș spune au spus și alții deja, că nu transmit nimic nou. Știu că există alți adolescenți LBGT out there care habar nu au unde să înceapă să citească, să se informeze, care nu știu cu ce se mănîncă toată chestia asta, care nu au curajul încă să admită lor înșiși că sunt gay, darămite să se pregătească de coming out. Iar Another Gay Kiddo ar trebui, poate, să fie locul în care să înceapă să facă fix acest lucru. Viziunea mea de 2 ani încoace e ca AGK să fie un loc în care adolescenții să găsească răspunsuri și opinii.